CTR Material Uncovered in the Bodleian Library at Oxford University


Librarian and scholar Charles Manson recently gave a presentation on his research into the life of Karma Pakshi at the Boston Shambhala Center.

The presentation, captured in the video above, includes a look at a collection from Michael Aris, an Oxford professor who met Trungpa Rinpoche in Bhutan in 1968, either before or after his retreat at Taktsang.

This collection, now residing at the Bodleian Library at Oxford, includes items pertaining to Trungpa Rinpoche. Manson shares images of some of this material starting at 1:41:05.

Thank you to Charles Manson for uncovering this material and sharing it with Trungpa Rinpoche’s students.


Chase Bauer, a dedicated student of CTR, draws on his lifetime fascinations with image making, storytelling, Buddhism, and social justice for a unique working process that has produced dozens of short films, commercials, and art projects.