Enlightened Heart
Bodhi means “awakened,” which is the same notion as buddha. Bodhi and buddha have the same connotation. Citta means “heart.” So bodhicitta means “awakened heart.” That is what we want to plant in our mind, in our existence, altogether. Sometimes, the heart comes first, citta comes first; and then bodhi comes later. The heart awakens, as it were. To begin with, we develop heart, heart that is not connected with egohood, personal longevity, personal entertainment, or personal egotism of any kind. We begin to develop that particular kind of heart. And that kind of heart begins to transmit the vision of heart, which is enlightened heart. So first we develop heart; then we develop what heart is all about–enlightened heart. Enlightened heart is expansive and awake. It does not demand any kind of territoriality. It does not demand that we organize or create a flock of our own egotistic companions around us; we don’t have to collect tribes of savages around us. When we begin to look into those two situations–basic wakefulness and the basic lack of any need to recruit support for our own territoriality–we begin to find ourselves having a taste of enlightenment for the very first time.
In 1973 Chögyam Trungpa introduced a month-long period of meditation called dathün, which he recommended to all of his students.
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche’s Public Talk: The Three Yana Journey
While in Halifax to confer the Vajrayogini abhisheka in May-June 2024, Ringu Tulku Rinpoche very generously offered this public talk for all who are practicing or interested in the buddhadharma. This talk took place at KCCL.
1978: Children’s Day at the Court
On the first several Children's Days in Boulder...
Grief On The Path Of Dharma: A Panel Discussion
This panel discussion took place on September 26, 2024 at the Boulder Shambhala Center, with panelists: Miriam Tarcov, Jon Barbieri, Bryan Welch, and Colin Stubbert; moderated by Judy Lief.
Presented by the Foundation for Enlightened Society
Lack of Credentials
Excerpted from The Way of Basic Sanity, A Brief Overview of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche's Perspective on Sutric Buddhism
Another Bite of the Whole Enchilada
The Collected Works of Chögyam Trungpa: Volumes Nine and Ten
The Three Yana Journey
While in Halifax to confer the Vajrayogini abhisheka in June 2024, Ringu Tulku Rinpoche very generously offered this public talk for all who are practicing or interested in the buddhadharma.
Suddenly Without Warning
This book is about love and it is about grief. It is about being a parent and it is about losing a child “suddenly and without warning.”
Grief on the Path of Dharma
Presented by the Foundation for Enlightened Society
With Miriam Tarcov, Jon Barbieri, Bryan Welch, & Colin Stubbert
Moderated by Judy Lief
Remembering Khenpo Tsültrim Gyamtso Rinpoche
Our beloved guide, Khenpo Tsültrim Gyamtso Rinpoche, left his physical body behind on June 22, 2024. As with all great teachers, his passing has magnified his presence in the hearts and minds of his students, making this a moment of profound sadness and inspiration.
When the sun of dharma, the Vidyadhara Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, disappeared from view,...
Remembering Thrangu Rinpoche
An account of Rinpoche's final days from Thrangu Tashi Chöling Monastery
To all those around the world who have a connection, direct or indirect, with the Lord of Refuge, Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche:
With great regret, we would like to share some sad news with you.
On May 5, 2023, the fifteenth day of the third Tibetan month of the...
Midsummer’s Day 1980
A Glimpse of Midsummer's Past
Tea Offering
In 1982, I was encouraged to join the Dorje Kasung, partly, I was told, because it provided good context, structure, and occasions for direct encounters with the Vidyadhara. In...
Research Expedition to Prince Edward Island
“We should research PEI,” Rinpoche announced one evening after dinner in early September 1984. It was a golden period in the Mill Village retreat. Rinpoche was generally in a jolly mood—full of mischief and good humor.
In Accord With Our True Nature
Update: (17 January 2005) David Chadwick did an interview with Jack in 1995, which he has just posted on cuke.com. Here's a link: Crooked Cucumber Interview with Jack Elias....
Memories of Chögyam Trungpa
He replied, “The path is the goal.”
Every Lifetime
I had not seen the Vidyadhara in a while. It was probably 1975 or 1976... and when he was visiting NY I had an interview with him. Among other...
We Can Run!
Karme Choling, 1978. We were all excited that Rinpoche was coming to give a teaching program. I was 22 years old. I’d been on the staff at KCL for...
The Karme Choling Rock Garden
“The Japanese would be very proud of this!” -CTR
Boston Dharmadhatu: The Early Days
His talks were like timed capsules—timed to go off months and years and perhaps decades later
Enter the Dragon
During his lifetime, we celebrated Chögyam Trungpa's birthday in February. I don't think we ever had an exact date, probably because Tibetans use a lunar calendar. In Born in...
Book Review: Contemplations on Anxiety, Stress and Mindfulness
Andrew Safer's Do-It Yourself Guide to Wellness
Karmapa Speaks of Kindness on International Day of Climate Action
On October 24th, the International Day of Climate Action, His Holiness Gyalwang Karmapa said that there are many ways for us to be kind and generous towards others.
"We as...
Founding Figures of the Kagyu and Nyingma Lineagesby Lodro Sangpo
This course will have a closer look at our Kagyu and Nyingma roots: by recollecting the life stories of the Kagyu and Nyingma […]
The Key Points of Trekchö with Gerardo Abboudby Gerardo Abboud
In person at the Halifax Shambhala Centre, and here on Ocean We are very pleased to welcome Gerardo Abboud to the Halifax […]
Rebirth: Rhetoric, Reality, and Argument in Indian Buddhist Textsby Roger Jackson
In this second of three talks, Professor Jackson will briefly review the basic Indian ideas about rebirth covered in the first […]
Samsara, Nirvana, and the Pathby Jakob Leschly
Samsara represents the painful cycle of dysfunction and suffering, whereas nirvana epitomizes the liberation inherent in our true […]
The Kagyu Lineageby Jonathan Barbieri
Lineage is the unbroken transmission of wisdom and skillful means that is passed down directly from teacher to student – from […]