The Chronicles
The Passing of John Perks
A Brit with flare for spontaneous theater, he was instrumental in establishing the Kalapa Court, Rinpoche's home
Tribute for Bill McKeever
Our dear friend, William (Bill) McKeever died peacefully today, January 28 at 3pm Mountain Time, the end of his long journey with Parkinson’s Disease. He was with loved ones.
From the Boulder...
The Passing of Bob Anders
Bob “lots of vast” Anders
Along the lines of “brief connections through sudden mutual openness”, I felt such a moment with Bob last summer. He was a friend, and very much an...
Tribute for Howie Siegel
With contributions from Daniel Montgomery, Naropa Classmate and Nova Scotia friend,
brother Bob, and practitioner’s group buddies, Lois Hare, Chris Toplack, Cheendana
Tribute to Katy Wolf
Katy Hart Wolf passed away early in the morning of December 18th, 2024 at the age of 70. Katy was a singularly unique woman whose life was defined by resilience, compassion,...
Remembering Ernst Liebhart
Ernst Liebhart passed away in late November 2024.
Honoring the Life of Rex Maruca
It’s with an open heart that we deliver the sad news that our dear sangha member and friend Rex Maruca, passed away peacefully and asleep last Tuesday evening, October 8th. He...
The Oceans of Cruelty
Twenty-Five Tales of a Corpse-Spirit
A Retelling by Douglas J. Penick
Grief On The Path Of Dharma: A Panel Discussion
This panel discussion took place on September 26, 2024 at the Boulder Shambhala Center, with panelists: Miriam Tarcov, Jon Barbieri, Bryan Welch, and Colin Stubbert; moderated by Judy Lief.
Presented by the...
A Tree With My Name On It: Finding a Way Home
Click the cover to purchase
“A riveting and intimate tale of a woman's journey in search of a home, in her body, in her spirit and in the land. I couldn't put...
Tribute to Oscar Garcia
Oscar Garcia Talleda
Son of Oscar Garcia Roman and Umberlina Garcia Talleda passed away on September 3, 2024.
Oscar was born on December 18, 1947 in Cienfuegos Cuba. He lived there until 1959 when...
Tribute to Herbert Wickenheiser
Herbert Matthias Wickenheiser
June 13, 1940 - August 31, 2024
Herbert Matthias Wickenheiser died peacefully on August 31, 2024, in Colchester, Vermont, surrounded by his sons, grandsons, and friends. A devoted Buddhist practitioner,...
The Three Yana Journey
While in Halifax to confer the Vajrayogini abhisheka in June 2024, Ringu Tulku Rinpoche very generously offered this public talk for all who are practicing or interested in the buddhadharma.
Tribute to Alice Haspray
Alice Haspray, beloved wife of Richard, mother of Noah, grandmother of Oscar, and teacher, colleague, and friend of many of us, passed from this life on Tuesday, August 20th at 5:45 pm
Grief on the Path of Dharma
Presented by the Foundation for Enlightened Society
With Miriam Tarcov, Jon Barbieri, Bryan Welch, & Colin Stubbert
Moderated by Judy Lief
Remembering Khenpo Tsültrim Gyamtso Rinpoche
Our beloved guide, Khenpo Tsültrim Gyamtso Rinpoche, left his physical body behind on June 22, 2024. As with all great teachers, his passing has magnified his presence in the hearts and...
Two Book Reviews of Mindfulness in the Workplace
Andrew Safer has written a magnificent book, Mindfulness in the Workplace. Not only does he make it very clear how the practice of mindfulness can help us in our work experience,...
Call for Book Donation for Three Yanas Retreat
Good morning!
Your friends at the Foundation for Enlightened Society are running a book drive of dharma texts to distribute to participants of the Three Yanas Retreat this Summer at Drala Mountain Center.
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche on Humbleness and Heroism
Thank you to the Westchester Meditation Center for making this video available on YouTube!
The Passing of Randy Hester
Randy spent his life communing with the mystical, exploring the myriad dimensions of consciousness, and on April 12, 2024, at 9:35 pm, he finally transcended, leaving his old and broken body...
The Passing of John Odenthal
John Odenthal, a long-time student of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, and a dear friend to many passed away in Halifax on February 25. Please hold him, and his daughter, Brighid, in your thoughts and prayers.
The Passing of Ricky Assaly
A sukhavati will be held on Friday January 26 at 2:00 p.m. in the Boulder Shambhala Center Main Shrine Room.
Six Poems of Sadness and Delight
There are days I wake up weary
The Passing of Tania Leontov
We stand both in great sadness for the passing of Tania Leontov as well as a reverence and immense appreciation we feel toward a spiritual sister who has been such a pivotal person in the legacy of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and the genuine Dharma coming our way!
Dön Season Retreat on Ocean
During the final days of the Year of the Water Rabbit, we will focus our
evening practice on Vajrakilya and Pacifying the Turmoil of the Mamos.
The Passing of Tulku Thondup Rinpoche
Loving-kindness is the thought of wishing total happiness for others and putting that wish into practice. It is the thought of unconditioned, pure, and universal love towards all beings without attachment, self-centeredness, or expectation of rewards.
— Tulku Thondup
We are now set up to accept Cyrpto and Stock Donations
Donorbox’s new integration with Rennaisance Charitable and The Giving Block has made it easy for Chronicles/Ocean to accept stock or crypto donations.
For stock donations
First go to the Donation page on...
The Passing of Ron Hilburn
A Sukhavati ceremony will be held at the Vancouver Shambhala Center on December 3rd at 2:00 pm Pacific Time. To join the ceremony on Zoom, FOLLOW THIS LINK and click on Main Shrine Room.
Tribute to Françoise Guyaux
Our beloved friend and dharma sister, Françoise Guyaux, died yesterday morning, October 29, 2023. Her passing came after eight months and many ups and downs of cancer treatment. Françoise, the consummate...
Sukhavati for Betsy Perks
Betsy Perks (born Martha Elizabeth Sharp) suffered a heart attack and passed away in her home in Scottsdale, Arizona early in the week of 9 October 2023. Although Betsy's death was...
The Passing of Paul Shippee
Paul Shippee November 15, 1937 - August 31, 2023
Paul Shippee, an original first-generation American student of Suzuki Roshi and of Vidyadhara Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, a highly innovative and creative early-sangha pioneer, an...
Tribute to Ruth Whitehead
Dr. Ruth Holmes Everett Whitehead, ONS, died on August 29th, 2023 in Halifax. She was born on October 10th, 1947, in Charleston, South Carolina, USA, to Ruth Holmes Humphreys Everett and Hobart Ray Everett, Sr.
Tribute to Lesly Benditsky
Sukhavati Ceremony for Lesly
A sukhavati ceremony for Lesly is planned for this Saturday, August 19, at 3:00 pm Eastern (4:00 pm Atlantic) in the KCCL (871 Young Ave) Mahasangha Shrine Room...
Tribute to Adana Barbieri
Adana Barbieri died peacefully on the morning of August 2nd, 2023 surrounded by her family and local dharma community.
On Saturday, August 19th, at 4:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time, a memorial service...
Tribute to Nancy Castlebury
As dictated by herself to her husband who wrote down this obituary:
Nancy Louise Castlebury left this world on such-and-such a date , after a brief but spirited skirmish with the evil-doer...
Susan Dreier’s Passing
Susan Dreier, an artist and a long-time member of the organizational leadership of Vajradhatu and Shambhala, passed away peacefully in her apartment on Memorial Drive in Cambridge, MA, on April 4,...
Passing of Bart Leonard
Dear Sangha,
Bart had been fighting liver and bile duct cancers since last fall. He had been in the hospital since Monday, July 17 and it quickly became clear that he was...
Opening Celebration of Karma Changchub Ling (KCCL)
Auspiciously, KCCL’s opening celebration took place on June 4th, which was Saga Dawa Day, the annual commemoration of the Buddha’s birth, realization, and parinirvana
Remembering Thrangu Rinpoche
An account of Rinpoche's final days from Thrangu Tashi Chöling Monastery
To all those around the world who have a connection, direct or indirect, with the Lord of Refuge, Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche:
KCCL Opening Celebration
Sunday, June 4, starting at 10:00 am Eastern in Ocean's Main Shrine Room. The program will feature talks by various teachers and a Sadhana of Mahamudra feast
Joni and Rinpoche
Here is Joni Mitchell in conversation with Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden after receiving the Gershwin Prize. When asked what themes she might want to explore currently in her songwriting, Joni talked about her connection with Trungpa Rinpoche
The Passing of Rigdzin Shikpo Rinpoche
Announcement from Longchen Foundation, April 29, 2023
Karma Pakshi and Two Mongol Emperors: Genesis of the Reincarnate Lamas Tradition
Charles Manson, the Librarian at the Bodleian Library at Oxford, talks about his new book "The Second Karmapa Karma Pakshi.
Tribute to Karen Ritchie
Please join KCCL for Karen's Sukhavati and help us celebrate her wisdom and life,
in-person and on Zoom
Saturday, March 25
1:00 pm EASTERN
2:00 pm ATLANTIC
KCCL in the Mahasangha Shrine room at 871 Young...
Tribute to Harold Rolls/Tenzin Yongdu
Harold Rolls / Lama Tenzin Yongdu was a longtime student of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and a gifted architect. After Trungpa Rinpoche's passing, he became a close student of Jamgön Kongtrul Rinpoche. The announcement below...
Tribute to Ron Lucotch
Dear Sangha Friends,
Ronnie Lucotch, born 8/29/1948, died 12 AM Friday morning. Ronnie was born in Bellevue, Washington, just outside Seattle. He was the oldest of three children. His sister, Deborah, and his...
The journey to awakening begins when we begin to hear the dharma. When heard in the present moment, the songs of past lineage holders can suddenly become relevant and specific to our own personal path.
Dön Season Retreat
During these final days of the Year of the Water Tiger, we will focus our evening practice on Vajrakilya and Pacifying the Turmoil of the Mamos. See the schedule below for...
Tribute to Patricia Dogegan
Remembering Patricia Donegan
Patricia Donegan, the great poet, translator, and promoter of haiku, died on Tuesday, January 24th at 6:20pm CST. Her friend Elaine Martin shared the following:
"During a recent visit with...
The CTR Digital Library is Here!
It's official, the Chogyam Trungpa Digital Library is Live
Dön Season Retreat
As the year of the Water Tiger draws to a close, Ocean will host daily Vajrakilaya and Mamo session
Larry Mermelstein and Barry Boyce on the Sadhana of Mahamudra
On January 14, 2023, Barry and Larry had a candid conversation about the Sadhana of mahamudra in Ocean's Main Shrine Room. Here is the recording of that event.
Children’s Day in Halifax, 2022
On December 20, 2022 there was a wonderful Children's Day celebration at the Halifax Shambhala Centre. Here are photos from Liza Matthews.
Tribute to Karen Zorn
Dear Friends,
Thank you to the Boulder Shambhala Center for the following announcement.
Karen Louise Zorn (Karen Pomeroy, Karen Greenberg) passed peacefully surrounded by her children on Saturday, November 12, 2022. She is...
16th Karmapa: Interview with a Buddha
On the 16th Karmapa’s second tour of the West in 1976, he was interviewed on a television program called “Vermont Report.”
Mahasangha Space at KCCL
Video produced by Robert Zimmerman with the assistance of Marvin Moore
Mahasangha Shrine Room Complete!
KCCL now has a Mahasangha Shrine Room complete with pre/post meditation room, kitchenette, coatroom, restrooms, and a separate...
Tribute to Cathy Pressman
We are very sad to announce that Cathy Pressman died Thursday, August 11. Cathy was a very longtime student of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, and a very dedicated member of the Buddhist...
Tribute to Tom Crow
Thomas Dale Crow, a longtime sangha member of Halifax, died peacefully July 22 with his wife June at his side, at Parkland at the Gardens where he had been residing in...
The Passing of Chime Palmo
Khenpo Gangshar's consort/wife, and grandmother to the current Gangshar Rinpoche
Tribute to Deborah Garrett
Our dear friend, Deborah Garrett, died on July 1 following a two year dance with brain cancer
Tribute to Jan Watson
Our dear warrior sister died on July 1st in the midst of a delightful lunch date, while enjoying a lovely day
Khandro Rinpoche Addresses the Ocean Community
During Ocean's Parinirvana Day feast practice on April 4, 2022, Her Eminence Khandro Rinpoche appeared among us. She arrived at the perfect moment and said what we needed to hear.
The Passing of Jacqueline Reimer
Our dear friend and dharma sister, Jacqueline Reimer, died May 4, just before sunrise, as the sky was turning a luminous orange-gold.
Jacqueline’s strong, cheerful spirit and quirky sense of humour were...
Austin Azel Laughlin Aug. 19, 1940-March 30, 2022
There was never a box invented into which Austin could fit. His adulthood coincided with the sixties, a time and a movement he seemed to be made for. His finger was...
Parinirvana Day 2022
Thirty-Five Years After
Tribute to Bruce Cressman
Bruce Cressman, stalwart protector, and teacher, peacefully passed from this incarnation on Saturday morning, March 12, 2022, in Boulder, CO after a lengthy illness.
World Premier: Traleg Rinpoche Documentary Film
A new documentary film about this wonderful Tibetan Buddhist teacher who escaped the Chinese invasion of Tibet at the age of five. World Premiere - online 12-19 March 2022.
Milarepa Day
Sunday, March 13th
In Ocean's Main Shrine Room
In Ocean's Main Shrine Room
Tom and Thich Nhat Han
Thay at RMDC
News of Dudjom Rinpoche’s Passing
Dudjom International Foundation and Dudjom Labrang announced today that His Holiness Dudjom Sangye Pema Shepa Rinpoche, the supreme head of the Dudjom Tersar, passed into parinirvana on 15 February.
Tribute to Ned Nisbet
Our friend and brother Ned Nisbet died on Jan. 16th unexpectedly. This is a cause of great sadness for us, but we also feel the joy of having him in our lives.
Jerry Granelli Legacy Fund
Beloved by many as a dharma brother and a jazz icon, Jerry’s work continues through the JGLF
Anne Studley’s Passing
Post tributes to Anne below
It is with great sadness and joy that we share the passing of our vajra warrior sister, Anne Kathrine Studley, from this life at 2:45 am on...
On Meeting Thomas Merton
"The first genuine person I met from the West" -Trungpa Rinpoche
Candlelight Ceremony Photos – Halifax Shambhala Centre
Photos by Lu Slone. Thank you Lu!
Unborn Unborn
Song's of Chogyam Trungpa
1981 Seminary at Chateau Lake Louise
Photos by Marvin Moore
Video Presentation by Robert Zimmerman
Video Presentation by Robert Zimmerman
Trungpa Rinpoche in Scotland, 1966
Plus some very helpful comments from Michael Scott
Ownership of Windhorse Farm Transferred to the Mi’kmaq
A place for reconciliation
Lama Pema Public Talk
KCCL, October 3, 2021
Tribute to Ann Hodson
Please note: New tributes do not appear immediately. Your tribute will be posted soon.
Tribute to Cliff Esler
Cliff Esler was born in Washington DC during the second world war, February 24th 1945.
Stories of His Holiness the 16th Karmapa
Stories about 16th Karmapa
Lama Pema on Supplication to the Takpo Kagyu
This talk took place at KCCL in Halifax on October 3rd, 2021
Forty Years Since His Passing
Celebrating the life and legacy of
His Holiness the 16th Gyalwang Karmapa
Tribute to Don Root
Don Root, one of the earlier students of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, died on Monday evening October 4th of a massive heart attack. He was 83. He leaves behind his wife, Dorje...
Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche Parinirvana Ceremonies on September 25, 2021
Marking the 30th anniversary of his passing
Tribute to Jack Niland
Jack Niland passed away on Monday, September 13 in New York City. There will be a Sukhavati Ceremony for Jack on Tuesday, September 21 at 6:30 pm Eastern in Ocean's Main...
Tribute to Jean Claude
Jean Claude van Itallie died on September 9, 2021 in Manhattan. He was a central figure in the experimental theater movement for decades and an early friend and student of Trungpa...
Dharma Art with Jack Niland
Karme Choling’s 50th Anniversary Week
DJKR at Kalapa Valley, 6 August 2021
Video by Robert Zimmerman
Tribute to Jerry Granelli
We pass on the very sad news that Jerry Granelli, long-time sangha member and jazz legend, died early morning of July 20 in Halifax. Jerry had been in poor health for...
A Conversation with Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche on Peaceful Heart
An introductory guide to cultivating patience and opening your heart to difficult circumstances
Meredith Monk’s Guided Meditation
On June 19, 2021, during the Midsummer Practice Day on Ocean, Meredith Monk led a very helpful and moving practice of body, speech and mind. Thank you to the Profound Treasury Retreat for coordinating this event.
How Do You Toast a Mahasiddha?
A Parinirvana Day toast from Antonio Wood
The Way of the Buddha in America
With interactive verbatim transcript from The Chogyam Trungpa Institute Transcription Project.
Guerrilla Fundraising for KTGR’s Digital Library
Help support the Marpa Network's Digital Library project
Voices from Larung Gar
First book release from the from Larung Gar, the enormous monastery in Sarta founded by Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche.
Song by and adapted by Trungpa Rinpoche.
CTR Quote of the Week
Sangha News: CTR quote of the week
Translating the Dharma
An update from the Chögyam Trungpa Institute as part of an ongoing series of letters to notify people on the work of CTI on translation and its importance in bringing access...
The Nalanda Translation Committee Newsletter
Sign up for the newsletter from The Nalanda Translation Committee, which supports the dharma activity of the Vidyadhara, his successors and their students, Shambhala International, and the practice and study of...
Four Calligraphies from the 1973 Seminary
Many of Trungpa Rinpoche's students have original CTR calligraphies framed and displayed in their homes. Rinpoche often called for paper, ink and brush to mark birthdays or weddings, or to commemorate important events. Here is Abbie Halpern's story about four such works by the prolific Chögyam Trungpa.
Tribute to Norm Matkin
Norm Matkin, passed away peacefully at Dartmouth General Hospital in Halifax, Nova Scotia on December 22, 2020 at the age of eighty-seven.
Road Trip: Part I
Tour the twists, turns, dead ends and wayside stopovers of our Buddhist journey
KCCL Is Moving to Halifax
KCCL (Karma Changchub Ling) has announced that they are moving to 871 Young Avenue on the Halifax peninsula. This is the same property they almost purchased last March. Unfortunately, the deal...
Homage to Shunryu Suzuki Roshi
Hosted by KCCL and Ocean, Saturday, October 24, 2020
Tribute to Peter Barbieri
A Sukhavati is scheduled for this evening, October 8th at 6:00 MDT via Zoom. See details below
Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche Parinirvana Gathering on Ocean, Oct 5, 2020
Some 150 people gathered on Monday, October 5 to commemorate the life and teachings of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. Here is the video recording of that gathering.
Matthieu Ricard on the Anniversary of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche’s Parinirvana
Here is Matthieu Ricard talking about his teacher, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. This video message marks the anniversary of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoches's passing. Thank you to Matthieu Ricard for sharing these inspiring...
Damage From the Cameron Peak Fire
Michael Gayner shares photos of the damage
Update on the Fire at Shambhala Mountain Center
The fire is under control and the Great Stupa has been saved
Cameron Peak Fire Reaches Shambhala Mountain Center
This is a poignant moment for everyone with a heart connection to SMC. We will be updating this post as new information comes to light.
A Day of Practice
On June 28, the Profound Treasury Retreat community hosted a day of practice (nyinthun) on Ocean. Here is a talk that Judy Lief offered during the morning session.
The Heart of Enlightened Action
Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche teaches on the mahayana at the Berkley Shambhala Center, August 2007. Here are talks One, Two, and Three of the five talk series.
Karme Choling’s 50th Anniversary
From September 17th through the 22nd, KCL will feature a variety of online events for the whole community.
Tribute to Fran Lewis
Our dear friend and dharma sister Frances Lewis passed away early Saturday morning, July 18, 2020, having suffered a very recent decline in what had been quite good health these last...
Tribute to Carolyn Kanjuro
Please join us for the online practice of the Sadhana of Mahamudra on July 7, 2020 at 5:00 PM MDT, 7:00 PM EDT for Carolyn Eve Kanjuro. Carolyn passed on July...
Tribute to Hildy Maze
We are very sorry to tell you that Hildy Maze was found dead at her home on Long Island on Thursday. There is not much specific information. It was apparently quite...
Tribute to Karl Usow
Sukhavati for Karl
A Sukhavati Ceremony is scheduled online for Karl, for Wednesday, July 8 at 6:00 pm EDT. We will recite the Narak Kongshak, a traditional practice for clearing obstacles, followed...
Tributes for Douglas Anderson
May we all please send our best prayers and wishes to Douglas for a journey free of obstacles and blessed by his strong practice and devotion.
Tributes to Douglas
The Wisdom Seat
The Wisdom Seat is a group of Buddhist teachers and practitioners residing in the Mid-Atlantic region who host spiritual teachers, sponsor meditation retreats and offer support to those on the Buddhist...
Karma Changchub Ling (KCCL)
A Buddhist residential meditation center in which monastics and non-monastics complement and support each other
The Chogyam Trungpa Institute
The Chogyam Trungpa Institute was established at Naropa in 2017, the 30th anniversary of his death, to highlight the work of its founder...
Longchen Foundation
Welcome to the Longchen Foundation, an international community of Buddhist students and teachers practising meditation in the Mahayana Maha Ati (Dzogchen) tradition of Buddhism. The community, or mandala, is under the...
Westchester Buddhist Center
Meditation available for all new and seasoned meditators of all Buddhist traditions in Westchester County, NY.
The Profound Treasury Retreat
The Profound Treasury Retreat is a 9-day Buddhist meditation and study retreat based on the Buddhist teachings of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
Ri-mé Society
Celebrating the Living Dharma / Based in Boulder, Colorado
James George Chronology
A partial timeline of his accomplishments and continuing activities
Tribute to Marvin Casper
Please keep Marvin, his family and legions of friends in your hearts
The Audio Repair Project
Here is a list of what's working again
The Passing of James George
James George passed away on Friday night, February 7, 2020 at the age of 101. He was an important person in Trungpa Rinpoche's life, and in the history of the Vajradhatu/Shambhala...
Alice and Richard Haspray talk about Shunryu Suzuki Roshi
Commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of Suzuki Rochi's arrival in North America
Year End Funding Drive 2019
We have two high priority projects
Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche Dies at 95
Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche (1924-2019)
Mindfulness, Compassion, and Daily Life with Judy Lief
Facing Death, Working with Dying, A Fresh Look at Relationships, and Milarepa’s Journey
On Moonbeams
On October 10, 2019, Elizabeth Callahan and Derek Kolleeny had this really helpful discussion about MOONBEAMS OF MAHAMUDRA. Thank you to both of them and to the 60 participants who joined in.
Tribute to Michael Chender
With very deep sadness and an unfathomable feeling of loss we pass on the news that Michael Chender died at home, surrounded by family on Tuesday evening, July 2, 2019.
For those of you...
A Project of Special Interest to Chronicles Readers
We wanted to share with you a project that we feel has a special significance for our readers, and our core mission
Journey to Taktsang
Travel with Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche from Scotland to Taktsang in 1968, and hear him talk about receiving the Sadhana
Longer Range Questions
After almost seventeen years of Chronicling, a lot has happened: an oral history collection has been gathered, the two websites (Chronicles and Ocean) have been developed, and Ocean has grown into...
Tibetan Buddhist Path
This fourteen-lecture series from the first session of Naropa (summer 1974) is commentary on the entire Buddhist path.
A conversation with Carolyn Gimian and Barry Boyce celebrating the launch of this important new title from Chögyam Trungpa
Interview with Karma Senge about Kyere Gompa
The Chronicles (TC): Rinpoche, rather than asking you for further stories about Trungpa Rinpoche today, I'd like to ask you to talk about Kyere Gompa. I'd also like to ask about...
A Brief History of Tassajara
From Native American Sweat Lodges to Pioneering Zen Monastery
A Glimpse of the 16th Karmapa
Through the eyes of Steve Roth
Sounds like Children’s Day
A Chronicles Radio Special Edition from December 21, 2006
Children’s Day Candlelight Ceremony
At the Halifax Shambhala Centre, 20 December 2018
Father Thomas Keating Dies at 95
A Trappist monk with a connection to Trungpa Rinpoche
Chogyam Trungpa in Mousehole
Chogyam Trungpa in Mousehole
The west Cornish potter and teacher Bill Picard, died aged 92 in 2007. He was a cultured and charismatic buddhist. In the early 1960s, having been taught by...
Unpublished Interviews
Joudi Adolphe Westman -August 8, 2003
Steve and Jeanne Baker September 3 & 10, 2004
Hazel Bercholz -June 7, 2004
David Bolduc -September 4, 2004
Jane Condon - March 11, 2002
Gabriel Bershen - March 2002
Jeremy Blackburn - August...
Tribute to Bill Scheffel
Our dear friend Bill Scheffel took his life on July 8, in Boulder, Colorado. This is such sad and disturbing news. Bill was a devoted student of the Vidyadhara, a wonderful poet and documentary filmmaker. He will be sorely missed.
Terry Mason (Zanto, Zonto)
Terry died on July 6, 2018 of complications related to lung cancer.
A Conversation with Her Eminence Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche
In this interview Her Eminence discusses: Buddhism in the West
Myth of Freedom and the Cosmic Joke with Ani Pema Chodron
In this talk, which is presented in three segments, Pema guides us through the beginning chapters of Trungpa Rinpoche's Myth of Freedom.
Stories of Sechen Kongtrül, told by Tulku Urgyen
Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche's Stories of Shechen Kongtrül, read by Larry Mermelstein.
Story Of The Buddha’s Life
A BBC Documentary
Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche’s Cremation Ceremony
On May 26, 1987, hundreds of the Vidyadhara's students gathered in the upper meadow of Karme Chöling for their teacher's cremation. This slideshow presentation of Ray Ellis's photographs, accompanied by Jeremy...
A Conversation with Shari Vogler
Shari Vogler served as the head cook to the Vidyadhara, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and his family from 1977 until his death in 1987.
Rainy Season Dathun
A dathun in Bir, India
Invitation to Surmang 2018
Announcing the consecration of the Surmang Shedra
First Thought Best Thought
A slide show of selected photographs by Chögyam Trungpa
The Essential Chögyam Trungpa
An eleven-class course on the essential teachings of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
When Ice Clogged the Harbour
About 10 days before Rinpoche's passing on April 4, 1987, Halifax harbour began filling up with ice...
Join us in Celebration on April Fourth
Sadhana of Mahamudra
Feast & Celebration
All are welcome
Ocean Shrine Room
7:30 pm Eastern
Great Eastern Sun: The Shambhala Community in Nova Scotia
A Video Tour by Rod Meade Sperry
Burns Supper in Halifax
A Photo Essay by Marvin Moore
Words of My Perfect Teacher
Including Ngondro Retreat
Smile if you have to
The origins and evolution of Sun Camp:
Excerpts from a new book by Will Ryken & Jim Lowrey
Excerpts from a new book by Will Ryken & Jim Lowrey
Iliana: A Winter Solstice Tale
A Story for Children's Day
Children’s Day Songs & Stories
A collection of stories and songs celebrating Shambhala culture and Children's Day, the winter solstice holiday.
Available from Kalapa Publications
I Would Not Dare
Originally published on Youtube on Oct 2, 2017 by iQIYI, a provider of high-quality video and entertainment services in China.
Meditation: The Path of the Buddha
In 1974 during the inaugural session of The Naropa Institute, Chögyam Trungpa presented this course on meditation.
Kindness in the Trenches
From Jill Scott's participation in the online community
Jill's Husband, Michael Scott, writes:
After Jill's death, I discovered her extensive participation in an online forum for breast cancer patients —
Tribute to Beverly Johnson
Beverly Johnson, 76, a longtime student of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, died August 19. Viewing was held at the Shambhala Center in Boulder on Thursday, August 24 and was followed by a Sukhavati ceremony.
Beverly was...
Tribute to Dan Meade
In 1978 Dan Meade was appointed by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche as the Ambassador to Philadelphia where he and his wife Meera served until1985. Dan was one of the first
Ambassadors, along with...
Tribute to Deirdre
Deirdre Stubbert, one of the original members of Trungpa Rinpoche's community, passed away on May 11 in Halifax.
The Sadhana of Mahamudra will be performed to celebrate Deirdre's life in Halifax on Saturday May...
Tribute to Henry Schaeffer
Henry Schaeffer, an early student of Shunryu Suzuki-Roshi and Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, died on May 4th in San Francisco, California where he had lived for the past 30-40 years.
Seeing the World with Fresh Eyes
The Practice of Contemplative Photography, by Andy Karr and Michael Wood, offers a practical system of instruction that applies the wisdom of Buddhist teachings on perception and creativity to the contemporary...
Richard Reoch Dissolves Into Light
Please note the date of this post.
In this first ever miracle involving a white male, Shambhala's president has dissolved completely into light. Known traditionally as achieving the state of "lightness", the...
Her Eminence Jetsun Khandro Rinpocheon the passing of Peter Lieberson
I was deeply saddened by the passing of Peter Lieberson, who was both a good friend and a wonderful teacher and student of the Buddhadharma. Lopön Peter, as he was known...
Tribute to Arthur Louis Borden
Refuge name: Chime Chodzin - Eternal Holder of Dharma
Shambhala name: Milk Thunderstorm
Bodhisattva name: Jigme Lamchen - Highway of Fearlessness.
Jan 31, 1943 - Aug 27, 2009
Two poems
Arthur wrote this poem when he...
Jakusho Kwong-Roshi Describes Being with Trungpa Rinpoche
Video by Bill Scheffel
Jakusho Kwong-roshi is a lineage heir of Shunryu Suzuki-roshi and was also close to Trungpa Rinpoche. He is the founder and abbot of the Sonoma Mountain Zen Center...
Poetry tributes to Trungpa Rinpoche
No fooling!
Thirty-two years ago today, Rinpoche asked me to help him play an April Fool joke on the sangha.
He thought a while and then asked me to call Vajradhatu and pretend...
2009 Parinirvana Day Offering
Dear friends,
I am a little late as usual, in terms of the parinirvana of both my late father and the Vidyadhara. I just want to let you know that this so...
His Holiness’ Visit to Karma Thegsum Choling
Shamong is located in a beautiful rural part of New Jersey (yes that does exist), in the Pine Barrens, and the KTC there is located in a very modern very large...
The Parinirvana of Kyabje Mindrolling Trichen
Prominent teachers and thousands of devoted Tibetan and Western students gathered and practiced at Mindrolling Monastery in India to pay respects to His Holiness Mindrolling Trichen Rinpoche, who passed into parinirvana...
Visiting Casa Werma, A Personal Experience
By Gary Hubiak
Acharya Simon Luna was re-visiting the homeland of his Mexican parents for the first time in 30 years in May of 2007. He had come to teach mahamudra at...
Road trip photo album
Thirty people were interviewed during this tour of the Northeast for a total of over 70 hours of recorded conversation about Trungpa Rinpoche.
The following people were interviewed during May and June...
A Conversation With Clarke Warren
In this three-part conversation, Clarke Warren talks about the Ri-me Society, challenges faced by Tibetan communities in exile, and how sanghas in the West might gain inspiration from their example.
Tribute to Olive Colón
Our dear vajra sister Olive Colón passed away on June 13, 2016. Members of the Tucson Sangha, along with neighbors and friends, were by her side, assisting her through her decline...
Jim Lowrey Reads from Taming Untameable Beings
Taming Untameable Beings is available in paperback and Kindle e-book at: and
Facebook: Taming Untameable Beings
A Conversation With David Rome
Part one focuses on David's years as Trungpa Rinpoche his personal secretary and head of the Kasung. Part two is a discussion about the principles of commmand and protection. Part three is about his many activities since leaving Boulder in 1983.
Oxford Refuge for Buddhist Monks
Newspaper clippings from the UK press in 1964 describing CTR's escape from Tibet.
Tribute to Binny Clarke
Dear friends, we just received word that Binny has passed on, quietly and peacefully in his home in New Boston, NH. Janet Romaine, his siblings, as well as his caregivers were...
Tribute to George Marshall
By Cicely Berglund
A long time ago Rinpoche said 'One day you will be dropping like flies' -so make the most of this opportunity. And indeed this is happening, increasingly over the...
Tribute to Suzanne Duarte
By Clarke Warren
Suzanne Duarte (previously Suzanne Head) died suddenly, on Saturday, Dec. 5, 2015 of an apparent heart attack. Suzanne and her husband Jan-Paul Vroom were sharing a relaxed evening together...
The Escape’s Place in History
For those of us with a connection to Trungpa Rinpoche and his teachings, the significance of his escape from Tibet has been about the Dharma: because he survived, the Dharma he...
Controversial Major New Mindfulness Study
Please note the published date of this post
University of Münsburg Medical Research Center
The Chronicles has followed the mindfulness movement with interest, coming as much of it does out of Buddhist practice....
Milarepa Day Offering
This poem, read by Steve Baker, is one of the Songs of Chögyam Trungpa from Rain of Wisdom.
The Rain of Wisdom was one of the first translation projects that Trungpa Rinpoche...