Tribute to Beverly Johnson

Beverly Johnson

Beverly Johnson, 76, a longtime student of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, died August 19. Viewing was held at the Shambhala Center in Boulder on Thursday, August 24 and was followed by a Sukhavati ceremony.

Beverly was born and raised in Boston. In 1998, she co-founded Fractiles, Inc.

I especially remember Beverly from the early days of Marpa House, and if I’m not mistaken, the pre-Marpa House place in Boulder on Broadway and Marine Street.

We love to talk about kindness and gentleness, and a sense of humor, but Beverly actually was kind and gentle and had a great sense of humor.

Beverly and I ran into each other years after our Marpa House adventure. I was editor of a small business magazine and she was an entrepreneur explaining geometry through her product, interlocking magnetic tiles called Fractiles, winner of the Parents’ Choice Foundation Silver Honor Award in 1999.

I remember it was great good fun to interview Beverly who was, as always, honest, funny and intense. I miss her very much.

–David Lewis

Beverly Johnson