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Cynthia Moku
Cynthia talks about meeting her teacher, Kalu Rinpoche, how she began to study with SMR, the origins of the Rigden thangka, and the ongoing iconographic work that she has undertaken.
Sarah Coleman’s Reflections on the Vajradhatu seminaries
Sarah Coleman takes us on a tour through the thirteen three-month seminaries led by Trungpa Rinpoche in the 1970s and 80s. From Teton Village, to Rocky Mountain Dharma Center, Sarah gives us her raw impressions of the place, the teachings, the students, the era, and the teacher.
Yeshe Fuchs
Yeshe talks about her work in the community over many years, and her connections to Chogyam Trungpa and Sakyong Mipham.
Thrangu Rinpoche
Thrangu Rinoche was born in 1933 in Kham, near Surmang. Trungpa Rinpoche and Thrangu Rinpoche, who were friends and dharma brothers from an early age, continued their close connection in the West.
Year of the Earth Sheep: Shambahala Day 1979
In this address, Rinpoche talks very movingly about our individual responsibility to benefit everyone and anyone with whom we are connected.
A Conversation with Adam Lobel
In this three-part interview, recorded in December 2013, Julia talks with Acharya Adam Lobel about the current Shambhala path of practice and study.
A Conversation with Chris Pleim
Julia talks with Chris Pleim about the Profound Treasury Dharma Group in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
A Conversation with Judy Lief
Judy Lief is a prominent Buddhist teacher, writer, and editor with an emphasis on the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa, and on a contemplative approach to death and dying.
Melvin McLeod on the Shambhala Sun Foundation
Melvin McLeod is the editor-in-chief of the Shambhala Sun and Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Quarterly.
Jan Wilcox
Jan talks about being a student of Trungpa Rinpoche, Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso, the Diamond Heart Path, and serving as a Dapon in the Dorje Kasung.
Cooking Rice with Marty Janowitz: Conversation with Patty Livingston
Marty talks with Dr. Patty Livingston about her work in anesthesiology and pain management, as well as her ongoing work in Rwanda training anesthesiologists.
Cooking Rice with Marty Janowitz: Conversation with Michael Scott
Welcome to Cooking Rice, conversations with people whose work in the world is grounded in contemplative practice.
In this episode, Marty talks with Michael Scott about his path as a...
Tsoknyi Rinpoche
The conversation revolves around the topics of essence love, and the importance of developing a healthy sense of well being, which Rinpoche talks about in connection with the subtle body.
Cooking Rice with Marty Janowitz: Conversation with Jane Hester
Welcome to Cooking Rice, conversations with people whose work in the world is grounded in contemplative practice.
In this episode of Cooking Rice, Marty Janowitz with Jane Hester about her...
Cooking Rice with Marty Janowitz: Conversation with Chuck Lief
Chuck discusses his many years of experience in social enterprise, providing housing, childcare, and health care for low income individuals and families.
Cooking Rice with Marty Janowitz: Conversation with Margaret Wheatley
Welcome to Cooking Rice, a new Chronicles Radio program hosted by Marty Janowitz.
In this series of conversations, Marty talks with people whose work in the world is grounded in...