Kunga Dawa on the Sadhana of Mahamudra
This talk was given in Toronto on November 24, 2008.
Stories of Sechen Kongtrül, told by Tulku Urgyen
Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche's Stories of Shechen Kongtrül, read by Larry Mermelstein.
Burn Self Deception
Burn Self Deception is Jim Lowrey's account of the day Trungpa Rinpoche got the Pygmies, and other community members, to stop smoking marijuana.
Planting Terma on Mount Tamalpais
One day in the early 1970s, Trungpa Rinpoche decided to bury treasures on Mount Tamalpais
Looking in the Same Direction
Dennis Southward talks about his time in prison in the 1960s for turning in his draft card, and soon thereafter, connecting with Trungpa Rinpoche.
Never Give Up
Chronicles Radio: Jim talks about kasungship, the origins of Sun Camp, and the Vidyadhara's instructions to never give up
Trungpa Rinpoche and Alan Watts
Here is Sam's account of Trungpa Rinpoche's friendship with Alan Watts.
At Suzuki Roshi’s Funeral
In this seven minute audio clip, Sam Bercholz describes the events surrounding Roshi's funeral, including Rinpoche's comments about appointing a dharma heir, and ...
When Trungpa Rinpoche met Suzuki Roshi
Here is Sam and Hazel Bercholz account of the first meeting between Trungpa Rinpoche and Suzuki Roshi.
No Man’s Land
In No Man's Land, Robert Merchasin talks about an extraordinary day in September 1971, and reflects on the lasting impact the events of that day have had on his life.
You have no territory to defend
Trungpa Rinpoche's words of advice to Jim Lowrey.