Jim Lowrey
Review of Pith Instructions from my Teachers
James Gritz has written a profound Dharma book, which he organized in the form of a spiritual memoir.
Into the Mirror
A Buddhist Journey through Mind, Matter, and the Nature of Reality
Burn Self Deception
Burn Self Deception is Jim Lowrey's account of the day Trungpa Rinpoche got the Pygmies, and other community members, to stop smoking marijuana.
Never Give Up
Chronicles Radio: Jim talks about kasungship, the origins of Sun Camp, and the Vidyadhara's instructions to never give up
My Guru Was One Scary Son Of A Bitch
Sung at the Sadhana of Mahamudra feast in Halifax, 4 April 2009
Like a Dream, Like an Illusion . . .
After a two-hour wait in the line at the Kathmandu airport for our visas, Trudy and David Sable and I tried to connect with the promised driver from Tek Chok Ling,...
The Day My Car Died
When my guru lay dying, I was in Boulder and he was in Halifax, but I had never been closer to him. Every breath he took was another moment of us...
Totally Free from Agenda
I became a kasung by coincidence.
In 1975, I was a student of Trungpa Rinpoche and working as a waiter at the Canyon Inn restaurant in Boulder. Just before closing time one...