Venerable Khandro Rinpoche



Dispatches is honored to present this conversation with Venerable Khandro Rinpoche the extraordinary Kagyu/Nyingma teacher whose razor sharp intellect, effortless command of English, and generous presence have made her one of the guiding lights of dharma in the west. The Chronicles would like to thank Khandro Rinpoche for taking time from her busy teaching schedule to speak with us.

In this conversation with Walter Fordham, who is standing in for Julia (not to worry: Julia will be back next week), Khandro Rinpoche talks about the admiration her father (H. H. Mindrolling Trichen Rinpoche) and other prominent teachers of his generation had for Trungpa Rinpoche, her own veneration and gratitude for Trungpa Rinpoche’s life work, the Mindrolling lineage, the importance of form, and much more.

Season Two: Form as Practice

Whether through kasungship, dharma art, contemplative psychology, theater, poetry, business, sadhana, ikebana, dressage, or service, Trungpa Rinpoche engaged his students in a seemingly endless variety of forms. In the coming weeks, Dispatches will talk with some of the people who were exposed to these various disciplines, including Molly Nudell, James Gimian, Jonathan McKeever, Paul Cashman, Kenneth Green, Peter Volz, and more.
