Longer Range Questions


After almost seventeen years of Chronicling, a lot has happened: an oral history collection has been gathered, the two websites (Chronicles and Ocean) have been developed, and Ocean has grown into an engaging Dharma community. All of this is ongoing, and being a part of making it work continues to be a great joy.

At this point, we would like to ask some longer range questions. What will the Chronicles be in 30 years, 100 years? Who will the audience be, and who will the Chroniclers be?

We see the next several years as a time of branching out, working with new people, and taking some purposeful steps towards the unknown. More than the sum of its parts, the Chronicles is an aspiration—a yearning to share Trungpa Rinpoche’s teachings with others. Now we would like to begin the process of igniting that aspiration in future generations.

One aspect of making this happen will be additional funding. We would like to raise a total of $150,000 in 2019. The matching funds challenge we are focusing on now is Part One of this funding effort. Part Two will take place towards the end of the year.

We have received a matching funds pledge of $30,000!


The Chronicles brings you teachings, tributes and a place to study and practice

