Khandro Rinpoche Addresses the Ocean Community

During Ocean's Parinirvana Day feast practice on April 4, Her Eminence Khandro Rinpoche appeared among us. She arrived during the last few minutes of a video talk by Trungpa Rinpoche. Her opening comments refer to that talk, which you can watch HERE

We would like to express our deep gratitude to Khandro Rinpoche for blessing us with her presence and her teachings during the Sadhana of Mahamudra Feast on Parinirvana Day. After extending an invitation, asking her to join us, we learned that her schedule for that day began at 4:00 am and continued into the late evening. It seemed unlikely that she would find time for us. But she arrived at the perfect moment and said what we needed to hear.

Thank you Rinpoche! We are so very grateful.

Thank you to Katherine Munro for video editing.