Rainy Season Dathun

A dathun in Bir, India

2017 Rainy Season Dathun in Bir

Deer Park Institute — a Buddhist centre in Bir, India — is hosting its second annual Rainy Season Dathun this July 15th – August 12th. This month-long intensive meditation retreat was designed and instituted by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche as an essential and foundational program for all of his students.

The dathun is a 24-hour-a-day practice container. The schedule and retreat guidelines are a part of the practice. The retreat provides a space of simplicity and clarity rarely accessible in our ordinary lives. In addition to sitting meditation, practice includes morning and evening chants, walking meditation, silent meals, silent periods, meetings with meditation instructors, and dharma talks.

The retreat will be led by students of Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche and Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.  Participants may register for shorter periods than the full month however, however priority will be given to individuals committed to the full month of retreat; and no new participants will be admitted after 30th July. Learn more at deerpark.in

Walking Meditation at Deer Park