Every Expression a Teaching

June Crow holds the ink pad as Rinpoche prepares to place his seal on a newly completed calligraphy

Today when I was meditating, I remembered a small incident with the Vidyadhara.

It was, I think, 1972, when the Vidyadhara was in San Francisco for Suzuki Roshi’s funeral.

We were sitting in a cafe and Trungpa Rinpoche was writing a note to someone. We were both hunched over, I was watching him write as he was writing. I was very intent on watching him write each letter as he was writing, in his usual precise and careful way, he continued to write … off the paper. The tension melted into space.

It was a moment of inserting humour into a simple act of writing a letter and it reminds me of how his every expression or manifestation was a teaching.

June was a student of Suzuki Roshi, a Soto Zen Master, in the early seventies and met Chogyam Tungpa Rinpoche at Tassajara Zen Mountain Centre. After an interview with Trungpa Rinpoche she made the decision to study with him and went to Allenspark in Colorado where he taught the Six States of Bardo. She continued to study with Rinpoche until his parinirvana but his teachings continue to stay with her to this day. Part of Rinpoche’s legacy was Dharma Art, working towards creating an environment of harmony and sacredness, which inspired June to study Ikebana, the art of Japanese flower arranging and Chado, Japanese Tea Ceremony.