Mahasangha Space at KCCL


Video produced by Robert Zimmerman with the assistance of Marvin Moore

Mahasangha Shrine Room Complete!

KCCL now has a Mahasangha Shrine Room complete with pre/post meditation room, kitchenette, coatroom, restrooms, and a separate entryway. As you can see in the video above, this new space is fabulous! Thank you KCCL! You have created a much needed resource for the diverse Halifax sangha.

On to the Final Phase

The next and final phase of KCCL’s year-long renovation efforts is a much smaller one: converting an attached two-car garage into a dedicated room for meditation instruction, and much-needed storage space for KCCL and the groups that use the Mahasangha Shrine Room. The initial estimate for this important project is $25,500. Please contribute.

Checks can be made out to Karma Changchub Ling and mailed to
Karma Changchub Ling
Attn: Finance Office
871 Young Avenue
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 2V8
Donations by Canadian citizens are tax deductible.
US citizens: our charity is recognized by the IRS. If you are a US citizen and need a tax receipt, please contact us at

