Anne Studley’s Passing

Anne Studley

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It is with great sadness and joy that we share the passing of our vajra warrior sister, Anne Kathrine Studley, from this life at 2:45 am on the 21st of December.

Anne Studley died at home in Halifax following some months with terminal cancer. Her partner, Scott Wellenbach, was with her. Her passing appeared free from significant distress or discomfort. She received excellent support from Scott, from the sangha and from her health-care team under the direction of palliative care. She was 54 years old.

Anne was a dedicated Shambhala practitioner and warrior. She participated in a Dharmaraja Guru Yoga feast led by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche less than 48 hours prior to her death. She was utterly genuine and unveiled as she continually dealt with progressive losses. “Oh my! I can’t even stand up by myself anymore!” Next moment she would move on.  She said “I am so fortunate to be given the opportunity to let go one bit at a time”.  Twenty-four hours before her death, she was hosting guests in her home, conversing about the dharma and their welfare. She never failed to ask those supporting her how they were, how their day was going, how their friends and family were.


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Hellen Newland Koerber
2 years ago

A friend so wise and full. Big glasses and sharp intellect with kind heart. Sending love and blessings.

Vandy Price
3 years ago

My time with Anne was brief. We were extremely close in middle school. Spent summers playing tennis and swimming at the fermatts club. We rode every ride together on the Beta club six flags trip complete with glow necklaces, big sunglasses, and matching hats, and cut up together in band class. When we weren't together, we spent hours on the phone...i specifically remember listening to Queen another One bites the dust over and over trying to work out the Google then. We saw less of each other later as we moved on to different highschools, but remained somewhat in touch into our college years at Carolina. It's difficult to describe her in those years, but beautiful, hilariously funny, full of energy and herself, the prettiest smile I've ever seen, and honest to a fault. The best girl-friend I think I've ever had.

Tim Mettlen
3 years ago

Grew up with Anne, and the rest of the Studley family in Aiken Estates. Of course in Aiken. She was a year behind me at Aiken El, Kennedy MS, at AHS. Beautiful young lady and smart as a whip.

I heard of her passing with shock, letting folks in Aiken know as well.

Anne, you were a smart, beautiful young lady. My heart hurts, many thoughts of folks here are with you.

Beth Newburn, Aiken, SC, USA
3 years ago

One of Anne's mother's friends called to share the sad news of Anne's death. I was a childhood friend of Anne's mother, Eleanor Cullum Studley; we not only grew up together in Aiken, SC but her mother and I went through elementary and high school together, studying piano under the same music teacher, playing in piano recitals together as well as both being members of our Aiken High School band. Fast forward..... our son and Anne were also in school together, both graduating from the same Aiken High School. We look forward to seeing Anne's family again in Aiken when there is perhaps an inurnment in our Bethany Cemetery where her parents and my parent are buried.

Nancy & John Castlebury
3 years ago

We miss Anne already.
Anne has visited our home for many years every 3rd Tuesday when she traveled this part of the province to serve her clients as a mobility specialist for Canadian National Institute for the Blind.
We shared meals when she came--what a good & innovative cook she was--and an interest in gardening vegetables, fruits, flowers, herbs. We foraged wild cattails, wild rose petals, wild water mint, and wild rosehips. Anne was so much fun. And there were always wonderful dharma discussions--she embodied the dharma. Sweet, positive, loving being, our Georgia Peach.

Denise Perron
3 years ago

Ann and I met during a study group in Halifax over 10 years ago now. We shared a love of practice, foraging, gardening, and eating strange foods. She had such deep knowledge of plants and natural healing it was so rich to spend time with her. As a practitioner she was completely devoted. She practiced every moment she could and with every situation she was in. The thought of her driving and reciting texts through all the backroads of Nova Scotia to see her clients will be with me on every road trip. On our last few visits Ann and I discussed magic in practice. Ann was magic in her life and to many of us lucky to spend time with her. I will miss you dear friend and yet I feel you in every bright light I see.

Irene Woodard
3 years ago

I did not know Anne, but I think I did. Many many late nights in the women's changing room at DDL and KC. We were often the last ones there at night. I don't remember what we chatted about in those still hours. You were rinsing your mouth, for how long was it? Disciplined. And then you would be late for something, so you would be running to be on duty. Looking like a young horse, running and apologizing on arrival but with a sparkle in your eyes. There were many shifts, sitting across from you in the shrine tent , or later the Pavilion. You sat so straight, so beautiful, lungta blazing. Thank you for sitting across from me , reminding me to sit straighter, and for being such a very delightful person. I will miss you.

Margaret Westhaver
3 years ago

Saying prayers and offering lamps at the Boudha stupa in Nepal. I got to know Anne when she did along strict retreat at SSRC in 1997. May her warrior's journey continue unobstructed.

Rick Gilbert
3 years ago

Thank you for posting the news of Anne’s passing. I was friends with her while she lived in Seattle. She arrived like breath of fresh air to our sangha here, and represented a true model of what it meant to be a dedicated practitioner, one that was cheerful and caring and mindful. This obviously continued with her move to Halifax. My best wishes to Scott and her family and friends everywhere.

3 years ago

I did feast practice with Anne back in her Seattle days. It was always a joy to be with her.

Brad Hoffman
3 years ago

We’re sad but we have good feeling that her future will be full of joy for her and all sentient beings.
