Tribute to Bruce Cressman


A Life Celebration and Sukhavati is planned for Tuesday evening, March 15th at 5 PM Mountain Time to be held at the Boulder Shambhala Center.

3 PM MT—Sitting with Bruce
5 PM MT—Sukhavati Ceremony

Please practice for our friend Bruce and his family as he traverses the bardo

Both in-person and online participation are welcome.

More about Bruce:

Born in Pennsylvania in 1942, Bruce received a BA in Social Sciences from Wheaton College in Wheaton Ill. He did further graduate training preparing as a counselor working with distressed teens and felons in Chicago. He also trained as a real estate manager and licensed salesperson.

Bruce was an early and devoted student of the Vidyadhara, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, serving in many roles of personal service and protection for the Dorje Dradul, Sakyong Mipham, their families, sangha members, and many visiting dignitaries including HH Dalai Lama and HH 16th Karmapa.

From summer 1974 thru the following May 1975, he was a counselor with Maitri Community in Wingdale NY. In 1977 he coordinated a variety of events for Great Eastern Sun Development Corporation, Boulder. And helped manage Marpa House, the Buddhist/Shambhala practice residence and refuge for many distinguished teachers visiting Boulder.

As a student of Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, for a period of time, he served as Contemplative Practice Coordinator for Naropa University (originally named Naropa Institute), attending to many practice sessions and visiting teachers.  He connected many Naropa students with Shambhala meditation instructors (MIs). He also developed trainings related to death and dying, which he applied in preparing well for his own death.

His beloved sister and fellow practitioner, Linda Cressman passed away a few years ago. He is survived lovingly by his son, Winston, and Winston’s partner, Helena, currently living in northern Michigan; and by his former wife, Jan Cressman who lives with her partner, Kathie, in Nova Scotia; and Linda’s daughter, Julianna.

In Colorado, he has been supported by practice communities in Boulder, Longmont, and Durango, as well as by affectionate fellow residents in Longmont senior housing.

For the past several months, in times of Covid, Bruce has been well cared for by staff at the Boulder Canyon Health and Rehabilitation Center, where he passed peacefully on Saturday, March 12th.

May awareness of awesome basic goodness bloom.

—Richard John Kinane


Please register here AND indicate if you will attend in-person or online.

The Boulder Shambhala Center continues to be open to Sangha members who are fully vaccinated and participating in in-person and hybrid programs and practice sessions. Please upload proof of vaccination or medical exemption here. For the safety of all, masks are required.

Zoom Meeting

Life Celebration & Sukhavati for Bruce Cressman
Mar 15, 2022 03:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

3PM PM Mountain Time (US and Canada): Sitting with Bruce
05:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada): Sukhavati Ceremony

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