The Passing of Chime Palmo

Khenpo Gangshar's Khandro/wife, and grandmother to the current Gangshar Rinpoche


Chime Palmo died on July 15, 2022 at her home near Sechen Monastary. At this point we don’t know much about the details of her life.

She was Khenpo Ganshar’s khandro. Khenpo Gangshar was one of Trungpa Rinpoche’s most important teachers. She met Khenpo Gangshar during the tumultuous years of the late 1950s when it was apparent to many that the Tibetan way of life was about to go through catastrophic changes.

Bob and Lindy King traveled to Tibet in 2005 and while they were there, they met Chime Palmo and her granddaugther, Tso Lha. You can read about Bob and Lindy’s travels and listen to Julia Sagebien’s 2006 interview with the Kings HERE.

Chime Palmo and her granddaughter, Tso Lha; circa 2005
Chime Palmo is Khenpo Gangshar’s widow; Tso Lha is serving as the Kings’ interpreter.
The caravan of motorcycles that take Bob and Lindy to Chime Palmo’s valley