Greg Smith

Thangka of Trungpa Rinpoche by Greg Smith




About this thangka

Many years ago, Sam Bercholz asked Trungpa Rinpoche about commissioning Glen Eddy to paint a thangka of him. Rinpoche liked the idea and worked closely with Glen on the design. Glen eventually painted the thangka in the mid-1990s. Unfortunately, it was lost in the mail and never recovered. A few years ago, Sam commissioned Greg Smith to paint this thangka, based on the original design.

In addition to the central figure, the thangka shows Chakrasamvara, Vajradhara and Chemchog Heruka in the sky. Approaching and in front of the throne are the Vajra Regent and Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, samurai and royalty offering gifts, and Sam and Hazel Bercholz presenting a mandala offering. [Ed. note: It is traditional to include the patrons who commission a thangka in this way.]

Greg Smith writes, “There are some unusual details like the absence of consorts for Chakrasamvara and Chemchog Heruka, but since Glen worked closely with Rinpoche on the design for the thangka, I have been faithful to Glen’s work.

Greg Smith, well-known sangha artist and thangka painter, has lived and painted for many years at Shambhala Mountain Center and is responsible for much of the painting in the Great Stupa of Dharmakaya. As a tribute to CTR, Greg has offered the image below: a newly completed thangka of the Vidyadhara. For more information on Greg's work, please visit his website.