I am nobody from nowhere and do not really warrant having a speaking voice in this discussion- but, I am enjoying this site and all it offers immensely. My connection with this lineage (however it defines itself) is as a person who studied and loved the works of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche for decades as I led an active life in a different wisdom tradition and who finally, at the age of nearly 50, found herself in the Naropa U. MA program in Contemplative Education. I have been there for the past 10 years, as I became an adjunct faculty member after my graduation. I intensely value, practice and use, everything the Shambhala world has generously shared with me. I am adding my voice to this as a person who lives both within and without the mandala. I want to say that I hope that the Shambhala world will always be a big tent, and will always allow sparks to fly in it's interaction with the greater world. There are many, many people who benefit from your existence, your wisdom and your generosity, the very fact that you have these discussions together, that you debate and interact on matters of lineage, dharma and sangha attests to your strength and your openness. Thank you for your transparency and your courage- it is completely fresh and very, very rare.