Paul c Kloppenburg

OH NO! A Dear One passed onwards. An early warrior who indeed connected to Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche on a personal level, as well on the organizational level to help establish CTR's teachings......And he connected on the larger societal scale as well. Although he moved to Nova Scotia, and i remained in Colorado, we had sporadic contact. I am saddened he's no longer with us [to help strengthen / propagate the non-theistic ways], especially during these hard times when I see the many things we worked so hard to establish is now being seriously compromised if not right out dismantled. But by his exemplary example may we can gain the inspiration to carry on here and now, and into the future --- where ever we live, and in whatever smaller humble ways to keep the incomparable teachings of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche like fresh baked bread, with our immediate experiences of that we can benefit this world far and wide.