Simone LaVoie: Jigme Lhatso

April 04, 2018: Paranirvana of the Venerable , the Vidyadhara Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche I am always grateful to my root guru the venerable Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche for his vast teachings and pointing out instruction at the age of 23, when Trungpa gave me my first meditation instruction . ( in the solarium at the University of Vermont, USA, where I was a student of Comparative Religion). We were sitting across from one another with our knees touching. Trungpa gazed into my eyes and said ..RELAX... that gaze and word held and then stopped my mind. And I was introduced to the nature of my mind, which linked me to the Takpo Kagyu lineage.... it was an unconventional choiceless path at that point..............I rejoice in our connection...................47 years later the Vidyadhara is still my link to the nature of my mind . HA RI NI SA....................KI KI SO SO....................Simone LaVoie: Jigme lhatso