One evening in 1971, Jason Paul Gavras and his good friend Leonard Hortick (Jason was 17 and Leonard was 18) listened to Chogyam Trungpa being interviewed on CKGM radio in Montreal. During the program, Jason, who was known as Paul at the time, called in and asked Rinpoche a question. Here is that broadcast from 1971, including the exchange between Jason Gavras and Trungpa Rinpoche.
To listen to seventeen-year-old Jason calling in to the radio station and speaking with Chogyam Trungpa, click on Jason’s photograph above. The clip of their conversation is followed by a short interview with present-day Jason Gavras recollecting that evening in 1971, and the events that led him and Leonard to drop out of school and move to Tail of the Tiger soon thereafter.
Listeners’ Comments
Thank you sincerely for sharing this interview on the Chronicles. I listened to it twice (so far) with tears and laughter. Rinpoche’s exchange with Jason seemed to me to be one of recognition, meaning Jason was someone he had known from another time like meeting an old friend. Lyrical and loving in his impeccable style.
Thank you also for the video of Installing the Kangyur. I experienced immeasurable gratitude, appreciation and awe for the loving precise effort the Vidyadhara put into creating, sharing and interpreting an enlightened world for all of us, and the future. His vast and profound vision was clear.
Many thanks,
Hildy Maze
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I just listened to the 1971 Montreal radio interview with Rinpoche. I forgot how many crazy people he had to deal with on the spot in those early days and how masterful he was in cutting through their trips on the spot.
It’s incredible how Rinpoche immediately recognized Jason’s sincerity and ripeness to practice the genuine dharma and become his disciple on a radio call in show.
-Chris Keyser