As it happens, this tribute to Bill is side by side in my Chronicles webpage with the slide show of the 1981 Seminary at Lake Louise. I haven't gone through specifically to look for pictures of Bill in the slide show but he was a particularly gracious presence at that seminary, as I distinctly remember.
Bill's exceptional familiarity with the Buddhist world in Asia, well reflected in his long service with the Asia Society, was also put to use on behalf of our sangha.
He led the prep work to make it possible for a group of sangha to attend the enthronement of the Yangsi Khyentse Rinpoche in 1997 in Boudha. The travel and lodging price was quite reasonable, which made it possible for Arline and me to participate in what became our first trip to Asia. (Wouldn't you know it, Khyentse Rinpoche and the Yangsi Khyentse Rinpoche are just below the Seminary slideshow on my Chronicles screen. Yours too?)
I regret that I hadn't seen Bill in recent years. Even so, I do feel a bit of his warmth as I write this. Bon voyage, Bill.