Home Authors Posts by Walter Fordham

Walter Fordham

Walter hitchhiked from Philly to Boulder in 1974. He seems confused about what happened after that.

Radical Dzogchen with Keith Dowman

Dzogchen Seminars and Retreats 2021 June | September June 25, 26, 27 Friday evening to Sunday lunch LEARN MORE

1978: Children’s Day at the Court

On the first several Children's Days in Boulder...

Banana Leaves, Butlers, and a Miracle on Mapleton Avenue

The household was a whirlwind of activity, packed at all hours of the day and night with family, guests, Kasung, and household staff. It was chaos wrapped in a pervasive atmosphere of precision, joy and humor ...

Road Trip to Crestone

BOULDER, early summer afternoon, 1982 - The reception for the Vajradhatu and Nalanda staff in the back garden of Kalapa Court is a familiar scene: uniformed servers offer heavy trays of...

We’re Here

Qatar Airlines surprised us at the gate with first-class seats. So we arrived in style: row 1, seats A, B and C. Then the wild cab ride to Boudhanath (Boudha)— although...

Research Expedition to Prince Edward Island

“We should research PEI,” Rinpoche announced one evening after dinner in early September 1984. It was a golden period in the Mill Village retreat. Rinpoche was generally in a jolly mood—full of mischief and good humor.

Tail of the Tiger and its Neighbors

Stories from the Chronicles roadtrip.


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Jan Wilcox

Jan talks about being a student of Trungpa Rinpoche, Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso, the Diamond Heart Path, and serving as a Dapon in the Dorje Kasung.