What a sweet heart. Ricky was ever helpful and in good humour. I worked with him when a group of us Shambhalians created a production on the Nine Brothers of Lha. This was a theatrical piece with a script by Douglas Pennick, calligraphy banners by Cynthia Moku, bugaku by Dessie Howard and Gabrielle Guttinger, theatrical assistance by Lee Worley, etc.
I believe Ricky was the mastermind who fastened the banners to the “ceiling “ of the Boulder Karma Dzong main shrine room. They were rolled up there and were unfurled one by one as the Lha Brothers were introduced, to extraordinary dramatic effect. The banners remained as a group, unfurled in the shrine room for some days afterwards as they held an unusual power.
Without Ricky’s engineering and practical assistance with the banners the production would not have worked. Talk about drala! And Richards humble yet vital role in bringing that connection to life.
How sad to know that he is gone.