Lisa Hoffman

My favorite story about Francoise is how we pranked her and Brad one Christmas Eve. We play the Yankee Trader game (not sure what she called it, but that’s what we call it) where everyone brings a $10 gift to trade. She brought that game to our family, and we play it every year. It’s a lot of fun to steal a package someone really wants. Ha, ha. That year, I went to the Dollar Store and bought nine beanies, some dark blue, some gray, each with a snowflake on the front. They were pretty chintzy. All of the gifts were beanies except for the two that Francoise and Brad brought. One by one, someone opened a beanie. She may have even gotten the first one, I believe. As each new person got a beanie, everyone with one posed for a picture until nine people were wearing cheap snowflake beanies. After a few beanies, Francoise and Brad had figured out the joke, and they were good sports about it. Somewhere we have a photo of nine of us wearing beanies. We played the game again with our real gifts. The best part, though, was at the end, Francoise said, you know, I thought those were really kind of cheap, even for a $10 gift. We all had a good laugh about it. She was so gracious about it, and I hope she knew getting pranked in this family means we love you. Francoise was so kind and gracious and gentle, and she will be greatly missed.