participants, staff and assorted riff-raff

C.T. Mukpo's Open Heart Club Clan (With a tip of the hat to Sgt. Pepper!) It was twenty years ago today, having shown us how to work and play, how to comb our hair and change our style, and eventually how to smile, he left on our own to do the act we've worked on all these years: C.T. Mukpo's Open Heart Club Clan We're C.T. Mukpo's Open Heart Club Clan, We're learning to enjoy the show We're C.T. Mukpo's Open Heart Club Clan Sit down, wake up, and then let go C.T. Mukpo's Open, C.T. Mukpo's Open, C.T. Mukpo's Open Heart Club Clan We sit and try to be here Our minds aren't always still Sometimes we can't wait for the gong and oryoki takes so long we wish we were at home! But we know wherever we may go and whatever we may think we know that the guru's never very far if we know our minds for what they are We're glad he introduced us to the path of gentle joy and tears We're C.T. Mukpo's Open Heart Club Clan We're C.T. Mukpo's Open Heart Club Clan, we like to shout Ki Ki So So We're C.T. Mukpo's Open Heart Club Clan we're raising windhorse as we go C.T. Mukpo's Open, C.T. Mukpo's Open C.T. Mukpo's Open Heart Club Clan We're C.T. Mukpo's Open Heart Club Clan, we hope you have enjoyed our song We're C.T. Mukpo's no more mopin' Open Heart Club Clan and now we hope you'll come along We're C.T. Mukpo's Open, C.T. Mukpo's Open C.T. Mukpo's Open Heart Club Clan Performed at the parinirvana feast at KCL to general acclaim from dathunees, Vajrayoginis, first-timer simplicity participants, staff and assorted riff-raff.