Raana Bastani

Bill gave me the book " Turning Your Mind into an Ally" At the end of Dhatun 2001( I am not sure about the year) and told me to take it to Iran and translate it into Farsi. I took the book in Iran and found a great Translator and the book was translated in Farsi/Persian. It has been printed several times and there is audio of the book too. Bill had visited Iran and he told me, he visited the City of Isfahan. He told me he wished one more time to go to Iran to Naghshe Jahan Square in Isphan and drink tea again. Indeed he loved Hafez. He was a great mystic himself. He was one of my great teachers. He lives in my heart/mind while I am alive. Here are some verses from Hafez for you dearest Norbu. When I am dead, open my grave and see The cloud of smoke that rises round thy feet: In my dead heart the fire still burns for thee; Yea, the smoke rises from my winding sheet! He whose heart been received by love, never die Our eternity has been written in the record of the world.