Regan Foiles Urbanick

The last time I saw you was in San Francisco when I lived on Hartford Street. You took me to dinner in the Castro as you passed through the city. I don't remember what we talked about or what we ate, but I remember resting in your smile and the candlelight softness of your gaze. We had first met at Naropa in 1976. That summer we hiked up Boulder Creek in companionable silence. You chivalrously handed me up and down the rocks. We had no clothes on. Did we keep our shoes on? I don't remember. I remember the warm blue day, the humming insects, the light shining off the stones, the falling water and that we were drunk and drowsy from the mountain air alone. I took the photo of you that heads this page . You look tender and amused and brave. Howie, may you rest in shining luminousity.