Sherab married me to my former husband Helmuth Nagel! I was only 23 years old then... (I just turned 60!!)
I recall a very moving ceremony (that was November 1983). We were 3 couples getting married. It was the night before a weekend the Regent would teach. That same weekend, Steve Baker was introduced as our new ambassador. The running joke was, having 3 Buddhas present: the Buddha of the past (as Sherab was the ambassador for Europe and was about to leave), the Regent (who would be teaching that weekend) and Steve (who would take over after that).
Sherab and Judi had been examples for us, on how to live a Shambhala household and family. Both of them have been really inspiring to me. It was very nice to have the whole family in "Rigdenhouse" in Marburg!! (I had no clue about what a Rigden is, at that time...)
Sherab was impressing by his sharp knowledge and fearless presence. I wish him a fearless and smooth travel for wherever he is going now!
With gratitude. Ute