Adam Lobel



Adam Lobel is a close student of Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche who has served as kusung, editor, and teacher. He lives with his wife and son in Cambridge, Massachusetts and is a student at the Harvard Divinity School.

In this conversation, Adam discusses how the Sakyong sees his role as stabilizing the Druk Sakyong’s teachings.

Listeners’ Comments

Julia, Thank you for these wonderful podcasts. All my love and cheerfulness!
Peace, Jack Elias

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Small point: I sometimes listen to Democracy Now or C-Span. They have realplayer streaming feeds that work every time no ifs ands or buts with dial-up connection like mine. With your stream, it is such high density that I have to download which takes 1-2 hours depending. No big deal, but I know it is possible to make those streaming connections work well for dial-uppers, even though I have no knowledge of the technics involved.
Ashley Howes

Thanks Ashley, I think we’re going to have to learn how to produce high-quality audio for the bandwidth challanged. Are there any audio-format mavens out there who would like to lend a hand? I could use some help here. -WF

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Thank you so much for the inspiring interview with Acharya McKeever. Thank you for a heart-full experience, many miles from Halifax.
Celeste Budwit-Hunter
Houston, Texas

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I’m sure these broadcasts you are putting out are way cool, but I hope you don’t abandon the printed word completely for those of us who can’t listen.

My apologies to our readers without speakers, sound cards, or listening time. We are not abandoning the printed word, but it has been a number of weeks since we’ve posted a printed-word feature. Thanks for pointing it out. We’ll post a new text feature soon. -WF

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David and I really enjoy the Dispatches on the Chronicles — especially this last one of Bill McKeever. So clear, honest… thank you!
Sarah Whitehorn

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I’m podcasting the Dispatches, and am really enjoying being able to hear such honest and open interviews with folks I haven’t had the opportunity to speak with in many years. Thanks to you and Julia for your ongoing work. [The podcasts are] much more convenient than sitting at the computer — I can listen to Bonnie while standing in line at the market…
Claude Zachary

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Dear All,
Billy McKeever is magnificent. He has been a guide, protector and friend of the heart to me for many years. This dispatch should be available for all to hear at any time . His teaching is timeless. Thank you Bill and thank you Julia.
With Love,
