Journey Without Goal

Boulder, Colorado; Naropa 1974


From a study guide prepared by Carolyn Gimian.

View the study guide.

This seminar on tantra was given by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche at Naropa Institute (now Naropa University) in the summer of 1974, the first year of Naropa. Chogyam Trungpa took an approach to Vajrayana Buddhism that is unique in its experiential flavor. He felt that the sacredness and secrecy of tantra should be guarded. At the same time, he felt that there was much that could be shared with a general audience. This series of talks reflects both of these qualities. The seminar was later edited into the book Journey without Goal: The Tantric Wisdom of the Buddha (Shambhala in 1981). If you are working with the book and the videos together, please take note that some material from the original lectures was condensed in the book or inserted into another chapter. Questions and answers were not included in the book per se, although some material from the questions and answers has been interwoven into the body of the book. This series of lectures was given as the second seminar in a two-part series. The first seminar, The Tibetan Buddhist Path, took place over a six-week period, in June and July 1974, just prior to Journey Without Goal. The study of both of these seminars in sequence is highly recommended.
