Molly Nudell



An artist and calligrapher by training, Molly Nudell worked closely with Chögyam Trungpa on many graphic design and art projects, including banners, logos, pins, and publications. She has spent many years studying and practicing Rinpoche’s visual dharma teachings, particularly through the practice of object arrangement. Dispatches is delighted to present this fascinating and very personal look at the often misunderstood realm of Trungpa Rinpoche’s visual dharma teachings.

Dharma Art Workbook by Molly Nudell
In January 2007, Molly completed this Dharma Art Workbook.

Listeners’ Comments

I’ll never forget the end of one of the annual retreats with Khandro Rinpoche in Baltimore. (This is a little like telling tales out of school but I’ll take the risk.) In the midst of saying goodbye, she burst into tears while saying with so much emotion, “Never forget what Trungpa Rinpoche did.” Many of us were students of his but even the newer people, some from Shambhala who had never met him and her own students were overwhelmed with devotion — to both of them at that point. Needless to say, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house.

Keep it going,
David Stone

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The Chronicles are a great success and this interview [with Khandro Rinpoche] is particularly important on so many levels. Warm regards, Carolyn Krusinski

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Sarah and I listened to this interview together the first night it was available. A pleasant change from TV or computer work. We really enjoyed it. I liked when she started asking you questions. The sound quality was really excellent. I love Khandro Rinpoche’s voice. Congratulations. The upcoming interviews look great. Cheers, Dave Whitehorn
