Anne Fraser

Oh, Alice Pillar in my life Upholding the lofty vision of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Sitting firm, strong and solid 1975 summer dathun, Occasionally flicking your long hazelnut pony tail, Like a fine filly. In the kitchen, conjuring never repeated soups and porridges From yesterday’s leftovers While we squirmed in the shrine room, trying to sit. Together, you and Richard laid the foundation For a lifetime of meditation. Bonding as new mothers, At RMDC and Gramercy Park, Overwhelmed, all, By new beginnings without ground. Baby Zack looked and reached over to baby Noah, Side by side in the crib. Now, your laugh dances across the decades. Your eyes look back at me, Mirror mine, true sister. The fragrance of your discipline and devotion Floats in the air. Your slightly hoarse voice Shares confidences, tells truths, Whispers in my ear. The mere thought of you relaxes me, comforts me. Oh regal and open hearted, So generous in letting us know you, We rejoice in your life, our good fortune. Like earth and the other elements, You sustained, nurtured us, So many. With deep condolences and bows to Richard, Noah, Oscar, your sister And all who knew you so well And loved you.