I got to know Howie a few years after his graduation from Naropa, and mine a year after his. I was Diane Rudine back then.
Howie and I were both looking for a place to live and decided we would do better with a two bedroom place as housemates than each of us going it alone. He worked nights, I worked days and we got along well when we were both home. On one of those nights we had beers and Howie learned I didn't know who Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers were, along with a couple of other musical favorites. He had me lay down on the living room floor just listening to some really great music for hours. For some reason it was a highlight of our time in that place and very special to have Howie's musical tour of some of the greats of that era. We had a very good time as friends in that little north Boulder house.
Thank you Howie. Safe travels through the Bardo. May you have an auspicious rebirth!
Thank you Howie. Safe travels through the Bardo. May you have an auspicious rebirth!