Steve Ellenburg-land

I met Howie the day after the 1982 seminary ended at the Bedford Springs hotel. I was walking down the wide stairway from the shrine room to the lobby. Someone whom I had not met during the 3 month seminary. We immediately started talking music, particularly Jackson Browne - Late for the Sky. He was obviously a serious student of Jackson, his music and participation his lyrics. Over the next 42 years we would spend many evenings sipping good whiskey and watching music videos mostly singer songwriter from late 60's to recent decades. For Howie good songwriting was a direct expression of the human heart like no other art form. We bonded on that.

Howie and his wife Jackie became my son, Clay's God parents. We were family and spent many evenings having dinner and listening to music. Howie’s library and knowledge of good songwriting was an important influence on Clay who continues to write and perform his own music to this day.

I helped Howard and Jackie move to Nova Scotia in the early 90's. They were serious about being a part of Trump Rinpoche’s vision to lay the foundation for enlightened society. It was rough going that first winter in Scott's Bay. No work, no money, car broke down. Someone gave Howie a car in upstate NY. I was on a moving job to Boulder and gave him a ride to get the car. When we got there, the car wouldn't start. Needed a part. We went to the local diner for coffee. Howie talked about how things couldn't be any worse he didn't realize the obstacles he would encounter starting a new life in Nova Scotia. As we walked toward the cash register to pay our bill, Howie’s pants pocket caught on fire. Apparently he had a packet of matches that rubbed on the striker. After snuffing the fire, we laughed. Yes, things can always get worse-ha ha. A little message from the dralas.

A few years later we went for a beach excursion with Jackie, Steve and Jeanie Mustain, Mark and Carrie Russell, their daughter Molly and Clay. Howard was quite proud of a small rubber raft that he had purchased naming it The Sea Hawk. He invited the kids to go out for a sail, actually a row. He did not notice that the tide was going out. As Mark and I sipped our martinis, we noticed the Sea Hawk growing smaller and smaller in the distance while Howard rowed furiously. Finally after a good laugh Mark and I agreed something need to be done before our children, and Howard were swept out to sea. The shore dropped off very gradually there so I was able to walk out most of the way swam the last part, grabbed the raft and said to Howard "do you need a little help there matey". Howard was embarrassed. His maiden voyage on the Sea Hawk had not gone as planned.

Howard invited me to come to his house for my birthday November 6 this past year. He was an excellent host always. We had our drinks, talked politics, wondered how the dream of the 60's had led to the present political mess. What would happen to Shambhala vision. Then watched some music videos. His health seemed fine.

A month later, three weeks before he passed, I received my last communication from Howard. He knew I had met Kris Kristofferson and thought highly of him. Howard sent me a video of Kris and Roseanne Cash at an outdoor concert shortly before Kris died. Roseanne insisted he come out even though his voice was shot and he had a hard time walking. She put her arm around him and sang one of his songs. The refrain as she looked into Kris's eyes "loving you (her) was easier than anything I'll ever do again". Happy sailin brother.
