Love you to death.
Since I never do enough and always hesitate, the time has come to write something out of gratitude.
Being clever beyond anyone else's clever, kind beyond anyone else's kind.
So Brave and so so strong, a cosmic ocean of what we call "ultimate wisdom".
Swelling swiftly with penetrating clarity like the tidal bore in the Bay of Fundy.
Communicating inherent truths so directly.
Can I even speak of homage to you without embarrassment?
Your sangha, the Vajradhatu, Dharmadhatu, Shambhala sangha
Now has permanently changed it's DNA.
We've got you under our skin, as the song goes.
We have become emissaries in myriad ways.
That's what you wanted isn't it?
Homage to "Old School Shambhala
Who laid eyes on Rinpoché in Tibet
Who became his army outside of Asia.
Homage to the "New School Shambhala"
Who keep the Great Eastern Suns rays shining on his son.
Who feel Chögyam Trungpa's boundlessness even without meeting him.
Just like Asoka Maurya sent out his army to spreading Buddhism to Asia so successfully,
Just like that you infected the West and its "westerners".
With non-dual, non trippy, spectacular, kalaidescopic enlightened warriorship.
Oh my. A seed you planted pulsates in our aching hearts,
As long as we remember your limitless qualities.
Sad-joy you say? Yes... what else is there?
Suchness, whatever that means, is why you are:
"Wanted dead or alive."