The True Meaning of Devotion


These talks took place at Tail of the Tiger, August 1973.

Please note: We have included both the video and audio recordings. There is no video of talk 3. In general, the sound quality is better in the audio recordings.

The audio version is missing the first 2 minutes of Talk 2, but that can be found in the video version.

The Jeffrey M Krouk VideosEarly sangha member Jeffrey Krouk videotaped twenty-four talks by Trungpa Rinpoche in 1973 and 1974. Jeff has since donated the original tapes to the Shambhala Archives. Thank you to Jeff Krouk and to the Shambhala Archives for making this historic material available.Coming later this year: An interview with Jeff Krouk about the making of these videos.
Support the Archives! If it were not for the Shambhala Archives, Chogyam Trungpa’s video and audio recordings would not exist. Support the ongoing work to recover and preserve these teachings. -Make a donation to the Archives
