Changling Rinpoche, a devoted student of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, is the current abbot of the Shechen Monastery Shedra (monastic university) in Nepal. Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche was a student at the original Shechen Shedra in Eastern Tibet, where he studied with Shechen Kongtrul, and Khenpo Gangshar.
Barry Boyce talks with Changling Rinpoche about Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Khenpo Gangshar, crazy wisdom, the lineage system, and the importance of working with a spiritual master.
For more information about Changling Rinpoche, please visit Lotus Speech.
Changling Rinpoche is touring North America this summer. Check out his teaching schedule on the Shambhala Sun calendar page.
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Was anyone able to understand who Rinpoche recommended as “great” teachers still alive today? I think I heard Sakya Trizin at the end. If you can hear the other two, please let me know. Thanks, Anne McLellan
Hi Anne, Thanks for bringing this up. What I hear is “Trulshik Rinpoche“, [inaudible], and “Sakya Trizin“. Can anyone hear the middle name? It’s 39 minutes, 30 seconds into the interview. -WF
The other great living master that Changling Rinpoche mentioned was Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche, who is the current head of the Changter (Northern Treasures) Lineage. Ki So, Mark Nowakowski.

The opening and closing drum themes for Let Loose are by Jerry Granelli, recorded on Sandhills Reunion. The closing theme is from Drala by Peter Lieberson, recorded on Raising the Gaze. Thank you to both composers for their permission to use these excerpts from their work. Thank you also to Inge and William Cox for make their home available for this interview, and to Marvin Moore for his photographs of Changling Rinpoche.