Cynthia Moku talks about meeting her teacher, Kalu Rinpoche, her early training as an artist, painter and thangka painter, her work at Naropa, how she began to study with Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, the origins of the Primordial Rigden thangka, and the ongoing iconographic work that she has undertaken for Sakyong Mipham.
Over the past few years, most major Shambhala centers have replaced the traditional Vajradhara thangka with the Primordial Rigden thangka. This change has provoked controversy within the community. While many feel that the Primordial Rigden thangka is the culminating and central iconographic image of the Shambhala community, many others believe that our shrines and shrine rooms arranged and designed by Trungpa Rinpoche contain enormous blessings and power, and that the forms he established were intended to endure.