Lady Diana Mukpo and Carolyn Rose Gimian



Lady Diana Mukpo and Carolyn Rose Gimian — coauthors of DRAGON THUNDER: MY LIFE WITH CHOGYAM TRUNGPA — talk with Julia about how the idea for a memoir first arose, how they worked together to make it happen, and how it is being received by the public.

Listeners’ Comments

Dear Chronicles,

Since I am a new student of Shambhala and I live in a place like Greece, which is in the “fringe” of the mandala, the work that you and your colleagues do is very precious to me, and I suppose to other people like me, who had never had the chance to meet with Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and who did not have the chance to meet with his senior students.

I never miss the radio chronicles shows.

When I first discovered the chronicles on the internet I had financial difficulties, and I was surprised that you offered these high quality services so openly. Now that my financial condition has improved, I am more than delighted to support financially your project.

I appreciate very much what you do. Thank you for offering so generously and with open mind and heart.

Yours in GES,
Greeceful Children’s Day!
