A Conversation with Judy Lief



Judy Lief was a close personal student of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, who trained and empowered her as a teacher in the Buddhist and Shambhala traditions. Today she is a prominent Buddhist teacher, writer, and editor with an emphasis on the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa, and on a contemplative approach to death and dying.

She is a member of the faculty of the Courageous Women, Fearless Living Cancer Retreat, and an active member of the The Contemplative Alliance.

In 2012, Judy completed editing thirteen years of Trungpa Rinpoche’s seminary teachings into the three-volume Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma. Since their publication, she has taught extensively on these books, including a nine-day retreat on the hinayana volume in May 2013. She will also teach on the mahayana volume, during an upcoming ten-day retreat next month in Maine. For more information on Judy’s activities, visit judylief.com.

This interview was recorded during the Profound Treasury Retreat in Topsham, Maine in May 2013.

The theme music for Mosaics is from Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition