KCCL’s Year-end Update and Annual Appeal

Video by Robert Zimmerman


Dear friends of KCCL,

2021 has been both a challenging and rewarding year for us as we continue to work with the effects  of the pandemic. In spite of the difficulties, we were able to celebrate the purchase of 871 Young  Avenue — close to the much visited Point Pleasant Park as well as Trungpa Rinpoche’s court — made  possible by the incredible generosity of the Buddhist sangha.

Initially, however, since our lease at 5 Laura Court in Fall River terminated at the end of April, it  looked as though we would be without a home for some period due to probate issues related to the sudden passing away of the owner of the Young Avenue property. These issues, however, were solved  quickly by negotiating a temporary lease for Young Avenue pending the finalization of the sale.  Immediately upon moving in on April 25, we then began the process of unpacking, some painting and  yardwork, and the planning required for the renovations needed to establish Karma Changchub Ling  as an urban centre suited to serve the needs of a wider mahasangha.

Phase One of the construction project was started, under the direction of long-time sangha member,  Gary Brown, immediately after the purchase was finalized on June 28. This has included a new main  floor shrine room, fire code improvements mandated by the city, painting and repairs to the rooms  on the main floor and the bedrooms on floors 2 and 3, much needed grounds and landscaping work,  including a zen garden and five pagodas — greatly appreciated by our neighbors and many people  passing by — plus switching to heat pumps for the main and garden level floors!

Here is a link to a visual tour (produced by Bob Zimmerman) so that you can see what has been  accomplished and is in the works. All of this was completed at lower cost than estimated due to the  extensive volunteer efforts and donations of furnishings and materials by local sangha members.

During the construction activity KCCL has continued its operations as much as possible. We hosted  the majority of the online Vajrayogini and Chakrasamvara feasts during 2021 in cooperation with  Ocean. While Covid has limited the in-person feast attendance it has also provided an opportunity for  KCCL to interact with and support the vajra sangha throughout North America. Additionally, Lodro  Sangpo has been teaching a variety of online dharma classes on a regular basis.

KCCL has continued to receive strong guidance and encouragement from a number of lineage holders  and teachers. Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche visited us in August and expressed his support as well as  valuable words of instruction. Dungse Lama Pema, the head resident lama of Thrangu Monastery in  Vancouver and the chief representative of V.V. Thrangu Rinpoche for North America, came for a 3- day visit in October. This provided us with an opportunity to physically host a teacher’s visit in our  new space. The visit was highly successful with Lama Pema giving a general talk (in-person and  online), a talk and audience for ngöndro students and a lengthy discussion with the KCCL Board  focused on possible areas for closer cooperation of Thrangu Monastery and KCCL.

As for our three main spiritual advisors (His Holiness Karmapa, Dzogchen Pönlop Rinpoche and  Mindrolling Khandro Rinpoche), although they have all been in retreat, they continue to offer support  and guidance electronically, and receive regular updates about KCCL’s development.

Phase two of our renovations has now begun. This will include the creation of a garden level  mahasangha shrine room to service the needs of the wider vajra sangha in Nova Scotia. It will have  its own street level entrance, coat room, post meditation space and limited kitchen service. Again,

please refer to Bob’s visual tour. We are also planning to expand the heat pump installation with the  goal of retiring most of the older, inefficient and costly propane/electric system.

Furthermore, we are excited about the prospect of being able to hang an important calligraphy by  Trungpa Rinpoche in our newly established reception and sitting room on the main floor. In addition, with the help of an anonymous donation, we are looking forward to soon put up a traditionally  constructed Torii gate in our Buddha garden.

The coming year offers new opportunities for KCCL as we will, hopefully, move into more expanded  in-person activity while maintaining and further developing our relationship with the on-line sangha.  We will then also open up our place to new residents. At the same time, we have been instructed and  encouraged by all of the lineage holders to strengthen and enlarge our monastic core for the benefit  of the lay community and future generations. It is indeed a challenge and we will need the  participation, support and enthusiasm of our extended KCCL family.

How you can Support

We are hoping to raise $125,000 during the coming months. This will allow us to expand the  environmentally more friendly and cost saving heat pump installation for all of the floors ($26,000).  We will also need some additional funds to fully transform the mahasangha space. Renovations are  always difficult to estimate (you never know what you will discover) but we think that an additional  $55,000 for structural renovation, plumbing, window upgrade, flooring, kitchenette, etc., will be  sufficient to create an uplifted practice environment for many years to come for the activities of the  various Buddhist groups who plan to use the space. The remaining funds will be used to offset the  monthly operating costs of KCCL (including mortgage) and support the monastic community. The  primary means for funding all of KCCL’s activity is through donations.

We ask for your support in the way and the amount that suits your circumstance and connection.

• One-time donations: can be designated for a specific need or undesignated for general use. • Monthly donations for the ongoing support of KCCL and the monastic community. • Estate bequests for future support including early retirement of the mortgage.

For secure donations online in Canadian or US currency, see: https://www.kccl.ca/donate/.  Cheques can be made out to Karma Changchub Ling and mailed to:

Karma Changchub Ling
Attn: Finance Office
871 Young Avenue
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 2V8, Canada

If you would like to donate, please indicate in the subject line of your donation the purpose or send  us a separate e-mail. Donations by Canadian citizens are tax deductible. US citizens: our charity is  recognized by the IRS. If you are a US citizen and need a tax receipt, please contact us first at kccl.finances@gmail.com.

Thank you for your heartfelt support and generosity! May our combined efforts bring true benefit. If  you no longer want to receive these kinds of e-mails, please let us know: kccl.contact@gmail.com.

The Directors of KCCL

(Lodrö Sangpo, Nyingje Gongpel, Drime Shiwa, Ron Stubbert, Steve Ritchie)
