Home Authors Posts by Beverley Webster

Beverley Webster

Beverley was an enduring presence in the Vidyadhara's world. After his passing, she moved to Cape Breton where she continued to inspire and cultivate everyone around her, until her death in in 2010.

When Gerald Red Elk Met Chögyam Trungpa

After I made the introductions, Gerald Red Elk presented some gifts to Chögyam Trungpa, who was seated. He unfolded some gems: a turquoise stone, which he said represented the nature of the universe; a red stone, which he said represented the nature of the gods; a green stone, representing earth; and a purple stone, representing medicine.

Burn Self Deception

Burn Self Deception is Jim Lowrey's account of the day Trungpa Rinpoche got the Pygmies, and other community members, to stop smoking marijuana.