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Mark Elliott

Director Mark Elliott has been making films about Buddhism for 40 years, ever since he walked into Dharamsala, India, with a primitive video camera and made a film on Tibetans in exile at the invitation of the Dalai Lama. His documentaries are simple, straightforward chronicles, whether they tell the story of a person or a place. Underneath their ordinary exterior, these films contain a wealth of information about the transition of Buddhism from Eastern to Western hands.

Vana Jakic recalls Trungpa Rinpoche

Vana Jakic talks about her interactions with Trungpa Rinpoche in England in the 1960s.

Thrangu Rinpoche Remembers Trungpa Rinpoche

On Trungpa Rinpoche, the influences of Khenpo Gangsar, and some of the extraordinary aspects of the Vidyadhara's teachings

What Trungpa Rinpoche Accomplished

Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche reflects on Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche's life and teachings

Recollections of Trungpa Rinpoche

Rabjam Rinpoche traveled to the United States twice with his grandfather, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, where they visited Trungpa Rinpoche and his community of students. Here are a few of his memories from those visits.


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Bill Wooding on Being Gay in the Sangha

Julia speaks with Bill Wooding about being gay in the early Vajradhatu/Shambhala community, about the history of "Queer Dharma", and about the efforts made by a number of North American dharma groups to welcome and include the LGBTQ community as part of their sangha.