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Peter Volz

Peter Volz served within the Vajradhatu Office of External Affairs starting in 1979, and continued as the Director of the Shambhala Office of International Affairs through 2008. He was also the Director of International and Intercultural Education for Naropa University for nine years, until leaving Naropa in February 2007 to begin a new career as a farmer. Peter, the man for his time and place, operates Oxford Gardens, a four-acre market farm, and sells at the Boulder Farmers’ Market and to local restaurants and CSA’s.

Lineage and Devotion

As our devotion increased in these early years, we came to regard Trungpa Rinpoche as the only and the everything. It seemed that he came out of nowhere, like a bolt of lightning. But there was a larger context...

Peter S. Volz

One of the characteristics of a bodhisattva is an absence of self-interest and self-importance. The Vidyadhara Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche was a fully accomplished bodhisattva, and his teachings and life example can...


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Sharon Hoagland

Sharon talks about her experience of working in Trungpa Rinpoche's court and the Regent's household, and her continued service to Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche.