Tribute to Barry Crofton

When Barry died, he was surrounded by love: a wide circle of friends and sangha support, pictures of his teachers, and his practice materials.


Barry Crofton passed away on September 8 at 12:30pm at the Toronto General Hospital. His wife Gail and sister Kerry were at his bedside. His brother Cameron flew in from Victoria later that day. Barry was surrounded by love: a wide circle of friends and sangha support, pictures of his teachers, and his practice materials. His heart was full of confidence that he would meet the Dorje Dradul again soon. Sure he did.

There was a truly wonderful service at the Toronto Shambhala Centre on Sunday conducted by our dear friend, Frank Berliner (in the midst of his Dancing With Hope and Fear weekend program.) Frank had come on his lunch break to the hospital moments after Barry’s passing and read the liturgy to him with such heart and lungta. He had also been there on Friday and read excerpts from his inspiring book Falling in Love With A Buddha. Was marvellous to see Barry’s bright blue eyes smiling with laughter. He passed away peacefully the next day.

As you know, our Shambhala teachers Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche and the Dorje Dradul urge their students to wake up to their inherent sanity and create a society based on the goodness we all share. This wakefulness and gentleness were fully manifest in Barry in the fight for his life, and in his luminous and peaceful death. -Kerry Crofton

Thank you, Barry Crofton

Great protector, I desire the firm way of perfect enlightenment.

Thank you Barry
for your example of how to follow the path with courage:

be cheerful; never give up
be cheerful; never give up
be cheerful; never give up

love to you

Jim Lowrey
September 16, 2012
