Home Virginia Hilliker 09-016 Virgnia Hilliker interviewed by Carolyn Gimian for Shambhala times

09-016 Virgnia Hilliker interviewed by Carolyn Gimian for Shambhala times

09-016 Virgnia Hilliker interviewed by Carolyn Gimian for Shambhala Times and on the occasion of the publishing of her new book

09-016 Virgnia Hilliker interviewed by Carolyn Gimian for Shambhala times
09-016 Virgnia Hilliker interviewed by Carolyn Gimian for Shambhala times


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Cynthia Moku

Cynthia talks about meeting her teacher, Kalu Rinpoche, how she began to study with SMR, the origins of the Rigden thangka, and the ongoing iconographic work that she has undertaken.