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Denny Blouin

Denny Blouin helped to found the Kootenay Dharmadhatu in Nelson, BC in the early 1970s, and later studied at Naropa Institute and Maitri Center. He and his family moved to Halifax in 1981, where he has taught writing to business people and professionals, written for the Shambhala Sun, and published poetry. From 1989 to 1992 he co-developed a variety of programs for The Naropa Institute of Canada, celebrating Nova Scotia as the rock-meets-bone ground for the enlightened society the Vidyadhara declared it to be in 1976, sight unseen.

Out of Tibet

The story of the escape lead by the just-turned-twenty year old young man in far eastern Tibet, whom the world would later come to know as the Vidyadhara.

Denault Blouin

"Fuck you." "Did he say, 'Fuck you'?" "Yeah. He just said it again." To whomever—was it Ginsberg?—on that long ten-tape "Tibetan Buddhism and American Karma" seminar (November, 1971) we were listening to in the...


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Conversation with Ari Goldfield and guest host David Sable

Ari Goldfield is a Buddhist teacher and translator. He studied and practiced under the close guidance of Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche from 1995-2009.