Home Authors Posts by Jetsün Kushok Chimey Luding Rinpoche

Jetsün Kushok Chimey Luding Rinpoche

Her Eminence Jetsun Kushok is the daughter of Vajradhara Ngawang Kunga Rinchen, the previous head of the Sakya lineage, and the sister of His Holiness Sakya Trizin, the current head of the Sakya lineage. She began dharma studies at the age of five, and gave teachings and empowerments while still a child. After escaping to India in the late 1950s, she emigrated with her family to Canada in 1971 and now lives in Richmond, British Columbia. Until 1998, Jetsunma worked full-time as a weaver and part-time as a housekeeper, while also raising her children, running dharma centers, and practicing—often through the night. She is now a full-time dharma teacher and the founder of Sakya Thubten Tsechen Ling dharma center in Vancouver, and Sakya Dechen Ling in Oakland, California.

Interview with Her Eminence Jetsün Kushok Chimey Luding Rinpoche

Jetsün Kushok worked full-time as a weaver and part-time as a housekeeper, while also raising four boys, running dharma centers, and practicing—often through the night.

Jetsun Kushok: Tribute to CTR

This year, 2007, marks the 20th anniversary of the passing away of an important Tibetan Buddhist Master, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche (1939-1987). Rinpoche's contribution in Buddhadharma for the benefit of many sentient beings...


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Lady Diana Mukpo and Carolyn Rose Gimian

Lady Diana Mukpo and Carolyn Gimian talk about how the idea for a memoir first arose and how they worked together to make it happen.