Home Authors Posts by Onyumishi Kanjuro Shibata XX Sensei

Onyumishi Kanjuro Shibata XX Sensei

He was twentieth in a line of master bowmakers and a kyūdō teacher of the Heki Ryū Bishū Chikurin-ha tradition. Beginning in 1980, Shibata founded over 25 kyūdōjō in the United States, Canada and Europe.

Onyumishi Kanjuro Shibata XX Sensei

Hello everyone. How are you? Trungpa Rinpoche died so quickly, very quickly. Now, all of you, sangha people everywhere, listen to Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche’s voice. You can hear him very well,...

Judith Simmer Brown

Judith is well known as a dharma teacher and scholar with a special focus on the feminine principle and interfaith dialogue.